Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nakshtra Porutham - Ready reckoner

Attached is a ready reckoner for matching horoscopes of Boys and Girls based on the famous astrologer Shri Harikesanallur Venkatraman's daily programme Olimayamana Ethirkaalam on Zee Thamizh (7~7.30AM IST). The chart was prepared listing out the Girls Nakshtram in the Columns and the Boys Nakshtram in the Rows. 

Hence, if one wants to find matching stars for a Girl, one should locate that girl's nakshtram in the vertical column (extreme left) and read the matching stars in the horizontal row across the girls nakshtram (vice versa for Boys). The numbers indicate the number of poruthams available. As per Shri Harikesanallur one should not match the same star or stars in the 6th and 8th houses. Also, he opines that a minimum of 6 poruthams must exist for a happy married life which should necessarily include Rajju and Yoni poruthams (mental and physical compatibility) and the pairings listed follow that dictum.

In the chart you will find that some are marked in red with two numbers - it is just to indicate that while listing out the matching stars these numbers were read out (Shri Harikesanallur used to read out Nakshtram by Nakshtram first for Girls and then for boys. I just tabulated the same). Thus while reading out for Aswini Girls, he mentioned that there will be 8 poruthams would be exist for Punarpoosam 4th padam (Kadaka Rasi) Boy, whereas while reading out the matching stars of Punarpoosam 4th Padam Boys he said that 9 poruthams would be exist for Aswini Girls. hence both values are reproduced as I am not an expert in this Science. The same applies to for every red marked number whether it is alone or with another number. For ease of reference when printing in B&W, the same have been given a thick Black border. Click on the image to get it's original size(if it is not visible). should I have requests for preparing the chart in English I can consider that.

Disclaimer:. This is only the starting point for matching, other aspects like longevity, Health, career, character etc have to be examined by experts. Please note while matching both the charts should be cast based on the same ephemeris. Shri Harikesanallur's opinion is that Vakya Panchangam gives best results since the sages based their predictions on Vakyam not Drik which cropped up in the late 1940's (stands to reason if someone wants to correct the ephemeris,.they should also correct the predictions)

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