Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Assassination of Pope John Paul 1 and how Paul VI the Impostor came to the papal throne | 


Here is the suppressed News:

The Assassination of Pope John Paul I

Comparison of photographs: Pope Paul VI vs. the impostor

Left, above - Pope Paul VI: Long nose, reaching to the end of the ear lobe.

Right, above - the impostor pope: Nose much shorter in comparison to ear.
Note the prominent birthmark between the eye and ear of the true Pope (on the left, 1973 photo) and conspicuously absent on the impostor (right, 1977 photo). Notice the visible difference in the nose. Pope Paul has a longer, straighter, more pointed nose. The impostor has a shorter and rounder nose.

Left - Pope Paul VI: Notice complete difference of ear structure with that of the impostor. Due to the tiny bone structure the ear is the hardest thing to change in plastic surgerythis becomes obvious in the two pictures.
Right - the impostor pope: Notice not only the difference of the ear, but also the shorter nose.

Left - Pope Paul VI: Long straight nosealmost to the end of ear lobe. Ear is full and round.

Right - the impostor pope: Nose is shorter and rounderreaching only 3/4 length of ear. Ear is longer and not as wide.

(Note: Some have conjectured that this "actor of great talent" was the stage actor Parr.)
Voice prints (same exact words, different voice signatures):
Photos are only one type of physical evidence to distinguish identity. Other physical evidence includes fingerprints, voice-prints, medical findings, etc. In his Umsturz im Vatikan? (An Overthrow in the Vatican?), Kolberg presents further evidence for the existence of the impostor pope. Voice recordings of the Latin "Urbi et Urbi" speech of "the Pope" were made on two different occasions. The two recordings were passed through a voice-frequency analyzer made by Kay Elemetrics of Pine Brook, New Jersey. The output Type B/65 sonagram voice prints of the same words pronounced by the "the Pope" on two occasions shows that they they were made by two different men.
"My child, your Vicar suffers much; he cries succor, My child. There are many Judases about him.
"You must understand, My child, the message of some time ago. Yes, it is a fact and a truth that there is another who impersonates him and goes about having photographs taken. And there is a voice that comes out upon your air waves, a very good imitation of your Holy Father. It is all the master deception created by the evil forces that are seeking to destroy your Faith, My child." 
- Our Lady, March 18, 1977

Albino Cardinal Luciani was, in fact, elected Pope by the "Senate", i.e. the College of Cardinals, on August 26, 1978, soon after the completion of archaeological excavations around the supposed tomb of St. Peter. Scarcely more than a month later, on September 28, 1978, the new Pontiff died in his bed under circumstances that strongly suggested poisoning. And while the Italian authorities demanded an autopsy, twelve Cardinals of the Vatican Curia ― led by Cardinal Villot, who assumed the Papal powers pending a new election ― steadfastly blocked all inquiries:
He who will assume the powers of the Pope
Will be induced to perform several deeds:
The twelve Cardinals will defile the Cloth
Through the murder, murder which will be perpetrated.
To understand the forces at work in the sudden death of Pope John Paul I in 1978 , we should first back up a bit in time to the 19th Century, when the Church was stripped of its sovereign power in the Papal States by the Italian national revolution. As a result, after 1870 the Pope became the pathetic "Prisoner of the Vatican" ― a "prisoner" who was, however, forever intriguing to restore his lost domains.Perhaps to compensate for the loss of his earthly kingdom, Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) convoked Vatican Council I with the purpose of proclaiming his doctrine of "Papal Infallibility", which would replace the temporal tyranny of the defunct Vatican monarchy with the spiritual tyranny of the "Infallible See". Quite tragically, this turn toward authoritarian and revanchist politics on the part of the Church was to play no small part in the onset of fascism in the early 20th Century.
For his despicable role in delivering the Italian nation into the bloody hands of Benito Mussolini, Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) received considerably more than Iscariot's thirty pieces of silver. In exchange for propping up the faltering Fascist regime, the Vatican got the equivalent of $80 million ($775 million in today's dollars) and restoration of its sovereignty in Vatican City under the terms of the Lateran Treaty of 1929.Thus had the Papacy evolved from the avaricious harlot of the Caesars to the contemptible whore of "Il Duce". Pius and his successors would exploit this latter-day "Donation of Constantine" to create a "Vatican Bank", effectively beyond the reach of any regulation by secular authorities, and hence uniquely suited to the nefarious work of tax evasion and money laundering in which it later became enmeshed.
By 1958 Pope John XXIII would inherit the helm of a sovereign power which was as monolithic and mindlessly dogmatic as Stalin's Comintern. Under the totalitarian doctrine laid down by Vatican Council I, any deviation from the Pope's moral teaching was, by definition, "error" ― and expressions of "error" were not to be granted the privilege of toleration.Sacrificing his own health in the process, John XXIII struggled mightily to pull together the reformist Vatican Council II in the face of fierce opposition by conservatives, who feared that any relaxation of papal absolutism would undermine the entire Vatican edifice. To some degree, the conservatives proved right, for the free thought which Vatican Council II had encouraged did not stop with the Council's largely symbolic reforms of the Catholic liturgy, but proceeded on to challenge the entire worldly edifice of power and wealth which the modern Church hierarchy had erected.
After the death of John XXIII in 1963, the deadlock between conservatives and reformers in the College of Cardinals resulted in the election of a vacillating "Hamlet" in Pope Paul VI, who would agonize for five years over the question of the morality of artificial birth control. During this time, Paul would be subjected to immense pressure from the old guard in the Vatican=s governing body, which is called the "Curia". No sooner had John XXIII died, but the Curia began battling to turn back the liberalizing tide of his Vatican Council II and return the Church to its sexually repressive, authoritarian mold. In the course of his soul-searching, Paul VI called upon the advice of the gentle, scholarly Cardinal of Venice, Albino Luciani, who provided the Pontiff with a compelling theological argument for the Church's honorable retreat from its fatuous incursion into the boudoirs of its faithful. When his irresolute Pontiff ultimately bowed to the relentless lobbying campaign of the conservatives and opted to ignore Luciani's learned thesis, the Cardinal's sense of honor and loyalty would not permit him to join in the chorus of derision which greeted the release of Paul's Humanae Vitae in July 1968. Ironically, this principled refusal to openly criticize the Papacy's anti-contraception crusade led to the false perception of Albino Luciani as a conservative among the Cardinal electors who convened after the death of Paul VI in August of 1978.
When the conclave assembled in the wake of Paul's death, it was deeply divided between those who sought to move forward with the reformist agenda of Vatican Council II, on one side, and those who yearned for a return to the comforting certainty of the rigid dogma they had known before Pope John XXIII. As fate would have it, the conservatives' prospects of electing their candidate had been considerably dimmed by an amendment to the electoral procedure, enacted by Paul VI, which disenfranchised those Cardinals over 80 years of age. Unable to install one of their own as Pope, the conservatives at the conclave resorted to a strategy of blocking the election of the leading progressive candidate and hoping that an acceptable "dark horse" candidate would emerge from the deadlock. Cardinal Luciani's simple, self-effacing demeanor, and his apparent readiness to subordinate his own viewpoints in obedience to higher authority, as evidenced by his response to Humanae Vitae, made him appeal to the conservative Curia as a perfect compromise candidate. Luciani, they believed, would make a pope who they could effectively control.
Once elected, however, the new Pope began to display the brilliant mind and puckish charisma which had been concealed behind his former reticent reserve. Not awed in the least by his exalted station, John Paul I immediately threw himself into an all-out effort to revolutionize the Papacy: to return it to its spiritual origins, to the message of the Gospels. At his coronation, he refused to be carried on the papal sedan chair sedia gestatoria or to wear the jewel-encrusted tiara. He instructed the Curia's Secretary of State not to invite the leaders of the military juntas in Argentina, Chile and Paraguay to his inaugural Mass. He refused to follow the scripts prepared for him by the Curia at his audiences and press conferences, where he was emphatic in announcing that his pontificate would see to the withdrawal of the Church from its involvement in "purely temporal ... and political affairs".Totally exasperated by the new Pontiff's unexpected independence, the Curia actually began to censor the Pope=s ex tempora remarks from the Vatican's daily newspaper, particularly when he began to express his views on contraception and his willingness to reverse the proscriptive stance of Humanae Vitae.
While Albino Luciani proved to be an irritant to the Curia in many ways, he made himself their absolute nemesis when he began to delve into the Vatican Bank's insidious dealings, which dated back to the reign of his predecessor. In 1968, the same year in which he had hung the albatross of Humanae Vitae around the Church's neck, Pope Paul VI had taken into his confidence a flamboyant Sicilian financier named Michele Sindona. Sindona's spectacular rise from veritable rags to control of a vast international banking empire was due, in part, to an extraordinary business instinct and mental acumen combined with a mesmerizing charm.But, despite his considerable natural gifts, Sindona would never have vaulted from the teeming streets of Messina to the board rooms of Milan without the support of his patrons in the Mafia and in "P2", a secret Masonic society controlled by one Licio Gelli. Gelli, the secret society's "Grand Master", had assembled a network of far-right-wing military and political figures that functioned as a "state within a state" in Italy and several Latin American countries. Relying on bribery, extortion, and, when necessary, assassination and terrorism to expand his web of power, Gelli financed his empire through the systematic plunder of a growing string of banks acquired by his associate Roberto Calvi. With the "help" of Gelli and Calvi, Sindona gained control of a group of some of the oldest and most prestigious financial institutions in Italy and Switzerland, including several banks in which the Vatican held an interest.
Nicknamed the "Shark", Sindona almost overnight became the toast of the international banking community and the subject of adoring accolades by Fortune and Time magazines. He quickly earned the reputation of taking over venerable but failing banking houses and miraculously turning them around ― not only into the black, but literally into cash cornucopias.When his house of cards finally collapsed in 1974, in what became known in Italy as "Il Crack Sindona", prosecutors soon discovered the secret of the Shark's "magic touch" ― massive infusions of drug money from the Gambino family which Sindona's banks assiduously "laundered". In order to pay back his P2 patrons Gelli and Calvi, moreover, the Shark had embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars from the banks he controlled. Soon after his financial debacle, Sindona fled to the U.S., where he felt he could rely on the protection of his old friend, then-President Richard Nixon. Unfortunately for the Shark, the Watergate scandal forced Nixon's resignation in August 1974. "Coincidentally" within weeks thereafter Federal auditors discovered a huge "hole" in the assets of Franklin National Bank, which was part of the Sindona empire. Indicted in both the U.S. and Italy for bank fraud and embezzlement, Michele Sindona would later order the contract killing of a key prosecution witness, for whose murder an Italian court ultimately convicted him in 1986.
This was the man to whom Paul VI turned for financial advice in 1968 when the government in Rome abolished the Vatican's tax exemption for income from Italian investments. Fearing embarrassment from the public disclosure of the enormity of its financial portfolio which tax filings would reveal, the Vatican opted to divest most of its domestic assets ― preferably at an attractive price. An attractive price ―actually double the market value of the Vatican's portfolio ― is exactly what the Shark had to offer, since his patrons in the Gambino family were more than willingly to exchange the "dirty" proceeds of their heroin trade for "clean" assets at a two-to-one rate. Of course, the Holy See was not expected to deal directly with the Mafia Dons whose blood money they would receive. Instead, the Shark would set up a shell corporation for the single task of acting as the conduit for the Gambino money ― a corporation he would name Mabusi, an acronym composed of the first two letters from the first, middle and last names of his son Marco.
With his extraordinary mind and innocent fearlessness, Pope John Paul I was able to penetrate to the heart of this shameful labyrinth of corruption and to identify Sindona's key accomplices inside the Vatican within weeks of his coronation.On the evening of September 28, 1978, he called Cardinal Villot, the leader of the powerful Curia, to his private study to discuss certain "changes" which the Pope proposed to make public on the following day. During the two-hour discussion that followed, Villot was to discover, to his chagrin, the true mettle of the enigmatic man he had once assessed to be a simple fool. Among those whose "resignations" would be accepted by the Pontiff the following day were Villot himself, as well as the head of the Vatican Bank and several other members of the Curia who were implicated in the activities of Sindona and P2. Moreover, Villot was told that John Paul Iwould also announce plans for a meeting on October 24th with an American delegation to discuss a reconsideration of the Church's position on birth control.
While the new Pope was preparing to blow the cover off of the simmering Vatican Bank scandal and sever the Holy See's Gordian financial entwinement with the banking houses of Signores Sindona and Calvi, these latter two gentlemen were in dire need of the Vatican's continued complicity. In the autumn of 1978, Italian bank examiners were closing in on proof of the $400 million in embezzled assets which Sindonaand Calvi had spirited away either into their own pockets or to support the sinister work of their Masonic Master Gelli and his P2 lodge. The only real gap in the chain of evidence needed to send all of these gentlemen packing off to prison was in the hands of the Vatican Bank, and Papa Luciani was now poised to surrender that card to the authorities. While Sindona's high-priced New York lawyers had successfully fought off Italy's extradition efforts since Il Crack four years earlier, the exposure of the Shark's Vatican dealings would have unceremoniously dispatched him from the Manhattan cocktail circuit into a Milanese lockup. Sindona's desperation to avoid such a fate had already motivated him to put out "contracts", through the Gambino family, on witnesses against him in the extradition proceedings, as well as on the assistant U.S. Attorney who was prosecuting the case.
Accordingly, when Pope John Paul I retired to his bedroom on the evening of September 28, 1978, clutching in his hands the momentous missives which would expose the Vatican's shameful financial flirtation with the Mafia and purge the Curia of those responsible, a number of very ruthless individuals had a great interest in seeing to it that he would never awaken to issue these directives. Among them were Signores Sindona, Calvi, and Gelli ― with the latter having the allegiance, if through no other means than blackmail, of the 120 freemasons in the Roman Curia. Indeed, the new Pope had recently received, from a disillusioned former member of P2, a list of the Curial freemasons, which included the names of Cardinal Villot and Bishop Marcinkus, the head of the Vatican Bank. His planned purge targeted many of them for transfer or forced retirement. But the purge would never come.
Beyond the identifiable group within the Curia which had much to lose by the continued reign of Papa Luciani, there was a more shadowy entity which had much to gain by the premature termination of his papacy. Opus Dei was, and remains today, perhaps the most obscure yet influential "sect" within the Church. A secret society with fascist tendencies like P2, Opus Dei has followed the historical pattern of the Jesuit order in striving to recruit individuals who hold positions of power in government, business, the media, or academia. The "work of God" which these recruits are then enjoined to achieve does not involve resistance to the corruption and spiritual vacuity which characterize these worldly institutions. Rather it aims for personal advancement within these institutions as a means of expanding the power of those at the apex of the sect's rigidly hierarchal pyramid.Seen through the prism of this cynical scheme of aggrandizement parading as "theology", any philosophy which advocates fundamental changes in the traditional institutions of Family, Property, and the State, opposes God's designs for mankind ― designs which include, naturally, the ever greater glory of Opus Dei itself. Given this ultra-conservative perspective, we might well expect to find Opus Dei in the front line of the Church's assault on all forms of family-planning and population control. And in fact, the only thing higher on their agenda would be putting one of their own on the papal throne. As destiny would have it, Opus Dei was poised to achieve both of these goals by the untimely death of Pope John Paul I.
In the predawn hours of September 29, 1978, the Pope's housekeeper knocked at his bedroom door, as she always did, promptly at 4:30 a.m. Hearing no response within, she left him a cup of coffee and returned fifteen minutes later to find him still not stirring, which was totally at odds with his punctual routine. When she entered his bed chamber, she gasped to discover the Pope propped up in bed, still clutching his papers from the night before, his face contorted in the grimace of death. On the night table beside him lay an opened bottle of Effortil, a medication which the Pontiff took for his low blood pressure. Before expiring he had apparently vomited. The housekeeper immediately notified the papal chamberlain, or camerlengo, Cardinal Villot, whose first response to the news was to summon the morticians ― before verifying the death himself or calling the Vatican physician to examine the body. Villot arrived in the Pope's room at 5:00 a.m. and quickly gathered up the crucial papers, the Effortil bottle, and several personal items which were soiled with vomit. None of these articles would ever be seen again.
Although the Vatican claimed that its house physician examined the body and determined myocardial infarction to be the cause of death, no death certificate for Pope John Paul I has been made public to this day. Although Italian law requires a waiting period of at least 24 hours before a body may be embalmed, Cardinal Villot had the body of Albino Luciani prepared for burial less than 12 hours after his death.Although the Vatican refused to allow an autopsy on the basis of an alleged prohibition against it in canon law, the Italian press pointed out that an autopsy had in fact been performed on one of the Pope's predecessors, Pius VIII. Although the conventional procedure for embalming a body requires that the blood first be drained and certain internal organs removed, not a drop of blood or a shred tissue was removed from the corpse of Papa Luciani ― and hence none were available to test for the presence of poison.
After being elected as Luciani's successor, Karol Wojtyla would honor him in name only. None of the initiatives which John Paul I had been poised to take with respect to the Vatican Bank, the freemasons in the Curia, or the revision of Humanae Vitae, would ever see the light of day under Pope John Paul II.To the contrary, soon after his election Papa Wojtylapromoted the corrupt head of the Vatican Bank. Bishop Marcinkus had, after all, well served Wojtyla's pet cause by diverting some $100 million of laundered Mafia money to the Polish Church to help underwrite their campaign against the Communist government. With the Vatican=s continued cooperation, Sindona and Calvi extended their orgy of plunder and remained at liberty for several more years, during which time a number of potential prosecution witnesses were gunned down by contract killers. In fact, when Sindona was finally indicted in the U.S. for bank fraud in connection with the Franklin National failure, the Vatican offered to provide character testimony in his defense!
As for Opus Dei, though John Paul II is not actually a member of the sect, he has often functioned indistinguishably from one. Indeed, soon after recovering from his own brush with assassination, the Pope issued an unprecedented decree granting Opus Dei official status as a "personal prelature" within the Church ― the equivalent of recognizing the sect as a "church within the Church".
And as for persevering doggedly in the policy of antagonism to contraception, abortion, homosexuality and women's rights, the current Pope (deceased 4-2-05) is certainly all that Opus Dei could have hoped for, and more. Beyond that, Papa Wojtyla has, through his appointments to the College of Cardinals, seen to it that the electors who will chose his successor are very receptive to the ultra-conservative ideology and moral absolutism of Opus Dei. Ironically, the ominous drive of Opus Dei toward complete supremacy in Vatican City seems to face only one formidable obstacle at this point in history.
Opposing them are the Jesuits, whose once-secretive organization formed the model for Opus Dei, but who have gravitated in recent decades toward the more progressive wing of the Church's theological spectrum.
The historical irony here lies in the fact that the roots of the Society of Jesus and Opus Dei are so similar. Both emerged out of a cultural background of militarized, autocratic Spanish societies: 16th Century colonialism on the one hand and Franco's fascism on the other. Like the early Jesuit order,Opus Dei is organized under a strictly centralized, hierarchal command structure, with explicitly counter-revolutionary aims. Just as the Jesuits originally battled the Protestant Reformation, Opus Dei tenaciously fights socialism and liberal theology.
Excerpted from:


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