Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Nehru Parivar History

A Glimpse at the Seldom Discussed Son of Nehru
The Truth Detector
It is not only the son of Nehru that people seldom discuss, there are many other matters concerning the Nehrus that have escaped the attention of our people. Such lack of attention is not necessarily a phenomenon that affects the foreigners; it is only the Indians, primarily the Hindus of India, who suffer from such lack of perception. It is our own people who do not know in depth their leaders. That is a shame! We saw how the British got rid of then Prince of Wales, Edward VIII, for reasons of an unacceptable marriage with the twice divorced Wallis woman!
A very common question about the Nehrus, if asked, inevitably draws a wrong answer or at best, no answer at all, from even the knowledgeable literati of the Indian media, teachers and professors, politicians and ministers, etc.
The question is: "Who was the (paternal) grandfather of Rajiv Roberto Gandhi, son of Indira, daughter of Jawahar Lal Nehru?" And you will not be surprised to hear that most people, including even the Ph.D.’s of Indian Universities reply right away that it was Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. People forget that Jawahar was only the maternal grandfather and NOT the paternal grandfather! No one seems to know that Rajiv Roberto's father was Firoz Khan (who had changed his name by an affidavit to avoid arousing attention of the people of India, primarily Hindus) and therefore, the (paternal) grandfather of Rajiv was the father of Firoz. His name was Nawab Khan, a Sunni Moslem who used to supply liquor to the Nehru family.
Having said that let us look a little closer at the marital life of Jawahar. His wife was Kamala Nehru (née Kaul) and she was maltreated by Jawahar's sister Nan (later named Vijay Lakshmi); the other sister, Krishna, was much younger and therefore less aggressive toward Kamala. Kamala had a miserable existence in the Nehru family. She was a vegetarian and never touched alcohol in any form. Her kitchen was quite separate from the Mohammedan cook's quarters of Jawahar's part of the Anand Bhavan. Partition had already started in the house (once called Ishrat Manzil) built by Mobarak Ali, the renowned lawyer of the City of Allah or Allahabad, Moti Lal's employer.
Kamala eventually died in Switzerland of tuberculosis after a long bout with the disease. Daughter Indira, who had a totally un-Hindu upbringing, was left to herself. The senior aunt, Nan (later Vijaya Lakshmi) was herself running after unhealthy company terminating in an elopement with a Moslem man called Syed Husain. Some say Syed was an illegitimate son of Moti Lal and that was the primary reason for Moti Lal's refusal to agree to the marriage with Syed, for then it would be a marriage between half siblings. There could be no other reason for an agnostic like Moti Lal, whose most intimate friends were all Mohammedans, to have refused his blessing to Nan's wedding with Syed!
Be that as it may, as soon as Kamala Nehru (wife of Jawahar) died, whatever restrictions, real or imaginary there had been, in the way of keeping a check on Jawahar's conduct vis à vis other women, disappeared. The prime minister of India, a widower, started conducting himself absolutely shamelessly.
He started running after skirts and saris, gave up all important work connected with the wellbeing of the state of India and her people. Other than looking after the members of his own immediate family, such as promoting Vijay Lakshmi in the UNO, clearing the path of his own daughter to the post of the future prime minister of India, etc. he had no other interests. Huge territories of India were taken over by communist China, once Nehru's good friend; Kashmir was attacked by Islamic Pakistan but he would not care. Weren't there more interesting items to pay attention to? There was Edwina of course but then there were also many more to attend to!
Here we will take our reader to the pages written by M.O. Mathai, a South Indian Catholic from Kerala, who served Nehru for many years as his Personal Assistant. Mathai writes in his Reminiscences of the Nehru Age in the chapter Nehru and Women (pg. 206-207):
"In the autumn of 1948 a young woman from Benares arrived in New Delhi as a sanyasini named Shraddha Mata. She was a Sanskrit scholar and well versed in ancient Indian scriptures and mythology. People, including MPs, thronged to her to hear her discourses. One day, S.D. Upadhyaya, Nehru's old employee, brought a letter in Hindi from Shraddha Mata about whom he spoke very highly. Nehru gave her an interview in the PM's house. As she departed, I noticed that she was young, shapely and beautiful. Meetings with her became rather frequent, mostly after Nehru finished his work at night. During one of Nehru's visits to Lucknow, Shraddha Mata turned up there, and Upadhyaya brought a letter from her as usual. Nehru sent her the reply; and she visited Nehru at midnight. Padmaja was hysterical...
"Suddenly Shraddha Mata disappeared. In November 1949 a convent in Bangalore sent a decent-looking person to Delhi with a bundle of letters. He said that a young woman from northern India arrived at the convent a few months ago and gave birth to a baby boy. She refused to divulge her name or give any particulars about herself. She left the convent as soon as she was well enough to move out but left the child behind. She however forgot to take with her a small cloth bundle in which, among other things, several letters in Hindi were found.
"The Mother Superior, who was a foreigner, had the letters examined and was, told they were from the Prime Minister. The person who brought the letters surrendered them. But he declined to give his name, or the name of the Mother Superior, or the name and address of the convent. Nehru was told of the facts. He tore off the letters without any emotion reflected in his face. He showed no interest in the child then or later...
Says Mathai: “I made discreet enquiries repeatedly about the boy but failed to get a clue about his whereabouts. Convents in such matters are extremely tightlipped and secretive. Had I succeeded in locating the boy, I would have adopted him. He must have grown up as a Catholic Christian blissfully ignorant of who his father was."
It is quite possible that if the bastard son of Nehru could be located, he and not Indira would have ruled India. Elsewhere, in the same book, Mathai writes: “Some of the great men in the past have been 'bastards'. Confucius and Leonardo da Vinci are classic examples. In modern times we have had Ramsay MacDonald and now Willy Brandt."
However, for those readers who are disappointed in not having Nehru's bastard son as India's ruler, there is nothing to lose. Writes Mathai elsewhere in the same book (pg. 94):"For some inexplicable reason, Nehru allowed the marriage (between Indira and Feroze) to be performed according to Vedic rites in 1942. An inter-religious and intercaste marriage under Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law. To be legal, it had to be a civil marriage. So, strictly under the law, Indira was only a 'concubine' and her children are 'bastards'." So, Rajiv, a 'bastard' by this definition replaced the other 'bastard', the unknown son of Jawahar. However, this incident of secret delivery of Jawahar's bastard son at the convent drastically limited Nehru's personal and prime ministerial freedom. He became overly subservient to the Catholic lobby and the GOI became absolutely powerless in matters concerning the missionary fathers and their vile practices to convert India's poor. However, Nehru had to pay the price too. He died of syphilis.

The Truth Detector
Preamble: A large part of the following text has been taken from Nehru's Special Assistant M.O. Mathai's records with additional material from other sources such as K.N. Rao et al, wherever Truth Detector suspected Mathai's suppression or tainting of facts, out of respect for his employer, Jawaharlal. This particular write up covers some inside information that has been kept hidden from the Indian public but which information, undoubtedly throws light on the father-daughter relationship between Jawahar and Indira as well as that between Firoz and Indira, culminating in marital separation.
The nikah turned into Vedic wedding:
Firoz Khan, son of Sunni liquor merchant Nawab Khan of Allahabad, in his early days attached himself to Kamala Nehru as a Congress volunteer. He used to accompany her as a helper whenever she went on Congress work in the Allahabad area. He could not be accused of eagerness for studies. Throughout his life, he retained the handwriting of a child.
In December 1935 Kamala had a talk with her husband Jawahar. She was then in her deathbed at Badenweiler in Germany. She expressed her strongest disapproval of the possibility of Indira marrying Firoz. She did not consider Firoz a stable person; neither did she think that he was the least qualified to go into a worthwhile profession and support Indira. She spoke with emotion and became tired. With some effort she managed to add: "I do not want my child (Indira) to be unhappy all her life." At that, Jawahar Lal assured her: "You leave the matter to me." A family friend, A.C.N. Nambiar (also known as Nanu) was present in the room. A few minutes later, Nehru left the room. Kamala turned to Nanu and said: “You heard what he said; Indu will listen to no one except me. I could have guided Indu gently away from Firoz. But my end is near (Kamala died soon after). Jawahar will give no guidance to Indu. She will ultimately be allowed to commit the mistake of her life."
The entire family was abroad at the time. The Second World War was looming and Firoz, Indira and Jawahar returned to India by ship. Nehru never forgot what his wife had told him at Badenweiler. The entire Nehru family was dead against the proposed wedding of Indira with Firoz.
But Indira was adamant. She told her father that she had no roots in India that she was going to leave the country. Nehru was deeply hurt. Reluctantly, Nehru, always a weak man, gave his permission, and the marriage took place. Here, M.O. Mathai quietly suppresses the first marriage, the nikah marriage. It was at this time, Gandhi, the apostle of truth advised the couple through Jawahar to change Firoz's surname Khan to Gandhi by an affidavit. K.N. Rao's The Nehru Dynasty tells us that. Firoz never gave up Islam!
But M.O. Mathai writes: "For some inexplicable reason (actually, to fool the Hindus), Nehru allowed the marriage to be performed according to Vedic rites in 1942. An inter-religious and inter-caste marriage under Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law. To be legal, it had to be a civil marriage. So, strictly speaking, Indira was only a 'concubine' and her children were 'bastards'.
How the split came about:
The genes of Islamic polygamy were working on Firoz all the time. In 1947 Firoz fell in love with one of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit's daughters. She was then working as an apprentice journalist in the Daily National Herald of which Firoz had been hired as the Managing Director by Nehru, the master nepotistic. Mrs. Pandit, on hearing this, made an air dash from Moscow where she was India's ambassador, at her own expense and took away the girl to Moscow. (A short note here: Mrs. Pandit had once eloped with another Mohammedan journalist, Syed Husain, against strong advice of the family. Although that marriage was nullified by paying an enormous sum to Syed and she was married off to a good man, R.S. Pandit, it is said and believed that Mrs. Pandit had already been impregnated by Syed during the few nights they had been together and her first daughter, Chandralekha or Mrs. Mehta, is in reality Syed’s offspring. R.S. Pandit's other two daughters, Nayantara and Rita, are no doubt R.S. Pandit's own daughters and physically, they look quite different from Chandralekha.)
The Truth Detector has not yet been able to determine which of the three the target of the Mohammedan Lothario was. And that was not the end of the story. Firoz had another romantic interlude. This time it was a 100% Mohammedan girl, the daughter of a minister of the UP government. The girl was working in the All India Radio in New Delhi. They decided to marry. (Mind you Mohammedans in India are permitted to marry more than one wife, in fact up to four wives, simultaneously, thanks to the blessing of Allah and His Prophet, and of course the GOI.) Firoz spoke to Indira about his intention. She told him that she had no objection. (How can she? She too was a Mussalmanani by nikah, wasn't she?) Firoz said that he wanted the custody of the first child (Rajiv). In Islam, the father is allowed the custody of the children and not the mother. However, Indira Gandhi (aka Khan) flatly refused to even consider this proposal.
The matter went up to Nehru, the prime minister, who himself was running after women. Nehru called Indira and asked her if she had anyone, other than Firoz in view? She said 'no'. The love affair with Mohammad Yunus, who fathered Sanjiv (aka Sanjay), took place later and this second son was passed off also as Firoz's son for public consumption. Fooling the Indian public has been going on for such a long time that such events had been rather mundane to the ruling family. That is perhaps because; the Hindus did not practice death of adulterers by stone throwing!
When the news of the romantic developments surrounding his daughter reached the Mohammedan minister in Lucknow, he was perturbed. He frantically came to Delhi and took his daughter away. And Firoz shifted to his MP's quarters. The bastard (the word is used here not in the primo genitive but in the
pejorative sense) had been doing all these monkey-tricks while living under the same roof as Indira, his wedded wife! Can one believe it? And it was after the exit of Firoz, that Mohammad Yunus entered in the life of Indira, falsely known as Durga Mata (after the B'desh victory) while conducting herself as a whore, in her private life!
At the end of the chapter, writes M.O. Mathai: “The misgivings of Kamala Nehru expressed in anguish on her death bed had come true!"
Epilogue: The Sunni Mohammedan Firoz was the final loser in the end. After his death, his body was cremated in order to fool the people. All his life he lived through a life of deceit. It is true that a few mullahs had strewn some sand on the burnt out pyre to imitate a sham dafan or burial. But one wonders if Allah Miyan will really be fooled by that. Thus there would be no 72 houries and 28 handsome young boys for Firoz in Jannat, even if Allah gave the 100 men's strength in his loins!

July 26th, 1998
More on the Nehru Dynasty
The Truth Detector
We have received some new information on the Nehrus and would like to share it with our readers. We had reported earlier that the name of Jawahar's paternal grandfather was Gangadhar Nehru. Gangadhar was a police officer under the Moghuls. He apparently used to reside on the bank of a canal (or Nehr) and had adopted the name 'Nehru' as the family name.
It is now reported that Gangadhar was an assumed name. That the man we know as the paternal grandfather of Jawahar was of Moghul ancestry. Why did he then adopt a Hindu, so called Kashmiri name? The reason that was provided to us was this.
In 1857 AD, the year of the mutiny, the British were slaughtering all Moghuls everywhere. The Hindus on the other hand were not targeted by the British unless of course isolated Hindus were found to be siding with the Moghuls, due to past associations. It became customary therefore for many Mohammedans to adopt Hindu names and the theory is that the man we know as Gangadhar had also adopted a Hindu name and thus saved his life by the subterfuge.
In his autobiography, Jawaharlal states that he had seen a picture of his grandfather 'Gangadhar' which portrayed him like a Moghul nobleman. In her memoirs, Krishna Hutheesingh (Jawahar's second sister) has written that Gangadhar was the city Kotwal of Delhi prior to the uprising of 1857. However, a well-documented research work "Bahadur Shah II and the war of 1857 in Delhi", by Mahdi Husain (1987 edition) published by the MN Publications, W-112 Greater Kailash I, New Delhi, the city Kotwal of Delhi during 1857 was one Faizullah Khan. He had replaced the earlier Kotwal and the City Governor Mirza Maniruddin. The latter had been dismissed by the sultan for serving as a spy of the British. The post of City Governor was also abolished with him, at the time. The naib Kotwal at the time was one Bhao Singh. Sri Kashinath was the Thanedar of the Lahori Gate area. The name 'Gangadhar' could not be traced anywhere. Quite clearly, the matter needs further investigation by competent historians.
After capturing Delhi in 1857, the British got the entire walled city vacated. People were housed in tents on the outskirts of Delhi. They made a thorough search of each and every house in the city. The operation yielded enormous wealth which was summarily confiscated. The British also searched houses in the outskirts of Delhi and killed every Moghul so that there were no future claimants to the throne of Delhi. After about two months, the British permitted the Hindu residents of Delhi to return to their houses. Mohammedans were permitted to return later.
The Urdu literature of the 19th century, especially the works of Khwaja Hasan Nizami, is full of the miseries that the Moghuls and Mohammedans as a rule had to face then. They also describe how many Moghuls escaped to other cities to save their lives. In all probability, Jawahar's Moghul grandfather and his family were among them. Jawaharlal also states in his autobiography that on their way to Agra (a
seat of Moghul influence) from Delhi, the members of the family were detained by the British. The reason for the detention was their Moghul features. They however pleaded that they were Kashmiri Pandits and thus got away. It is an example how history changes the course of events. Only a few years ago Kashmiri linkage had been used by the Mohammedans of Indian origin to make them look like Moghuls and now it was used to make the Moghuls look like Kashmiri Hindus!
Writes T.L. Sharma in his well-researched treatise "Hindu Muslim Relations, 1913-1925", pp. 3-5 (B.R. Publishing Corp., 29/9 Shakti Nagar, Nangia Park, Delhi 7, 1987), on the authority of Massir-ul-Umara:
"Such exaggerated importance was attached to non-Indian descent during the Moghul period that if Mohammedan aspirants for high government office did not have a foreign ancestor, they invented fictitious ones to improve their chances. Very often they took to marrying Kashmiri girls so that their fair-complexioned progeny might be accepted as of Iranian or Turkish descent...” (Today, in Islamic Pakistan and Bangladesh, well-placed Mohammedans introduce themselves as descendants of Arabs!)
The name 'Gangadhar' thus appears to be a fictitious name superimposed on a Moghul character who might have been a petty official in the services of Bahadur Shah Zafar. The name 'Nehru' raises questions too. If that name had come from the Persian word 'nahr' meaning a canal, how come no other resident of the area had adopted that name? How is it that only Motilal chose that name for his family and no one else?
It is more than likely that after fleeing from Delhi, it was only Motilal who chose the Nehru name and thus abandoned the more honorable 'family name' Kaul. On the basis of the Kaul name, all matrimonial relations were established with genuine Kashmiri Brahmin families in the future. It is significant that all close connections of this new Nehru family were Mohammedans. Even their kitchen was managed by Mohammedan cooks. Not only that. The Nehrus felt very uncomfortable in the company of Hindus. Jawaharlal particularly abhorred the words 'Hindu' and 'Hindi'. And yet this was the man who had been described as a Kashmiri Brahmin to the whole of India! A man, who never had worn the 'yajnopaveet', could not read Sanskrit or even the Hindi script!
It appears that both Jawahar and his daughter Indira (there are doubts about Jawahar's having fathered Indira, since he is said to have never consummated his marriage with Kamala Kaul, Indira's mother) were fully aware of their Moghul ancestry. Here it may be said that Jawahar was fathered by Mobarak Ali, a Shia' lawyer of Allahabad and his son, Manzoor Ali had fathered Indira. While Jawahar was removed from that house in the brothel area that Motilal had rented and reared in the palace of the Nawab of Oudh, a friend of Mobarak Ali, Indira was reared in the Anand Bhavan, previously known as the Ishrat Manzil of Mobarak Ali. It may be mentioned here that all male children of the Nehrus', Jawahar (son of Mobarak Ali and Swarup Rani), Rajiv and Sanjay (sons of Firoz Khan and Mohamad Yunus, respectively) had been circumcised following the Islamic fashion.
That explains why both Jawahar and Indira admired the Moghuls and their way of life. That can be the only reason for Jawahar's eulogizing the Moghul period of Indian history (which was meticulously followed by India's Mohammedan ambassador to the US, Abid Husain, during his entire tenure). Jawahar's appointees at the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) were all
admirers of the Moghul period too. Incidentally, the pre-Independence history books termed the Gupta period (320 - 550 AD) as the golden age of India.
Recently, the former Foreign Minister of India, Natwar Singh has made an interesting revelation about Indira Gandhi's affinity to the Moghuls. In his book 'Profile and Letters' published by the Sterling Publishers, L-10 Green Park Extn, New Delhi 16, extracts of which have been published in the Daily Hindustan Times, Nov. 16, 1997, Natwar Singh states that Indira (then Prime Minister of India), went on an official visit to Afghanistan in 1968. Natwar Singh had accompanied her in his capacity as an officer on special duty of the Foreign Ministry of India. After having completed the day's long engagements, Indira wanted to go out for a ride in the evening. After going a long distance in the car, Indira wanted to visit Babur's burial place. Remember that Babur was the founder of the Moghul dynasty! This visit was NOT included in the itinerary. The Afghan security officials tried to dissuade Indira, but she was adamant. In the end she did go to the place where Babur was buried. It was a deserted place. She went before Babur's grave, stood there for a few minutes with head bent down in reverence. Natwar Singh stood behind her. When Indira had finished her prayers, she turned back and told Singh: "Today we have had our brush with history." No doubt, if Indira had been alive today as the country's prime minister, the slaughter at Ajodhya perpetrated by Mulayam Singh Yadav would have been ten times greater, almost like she had done in the Harimandir Sahib Temple!
Rajiv Gandhi, Indira's son, not so knowledgeable in history, Indian or otherwise, was nevertheless quite proud of his Moghul ancestry. Although he used to say publicly that he had no personal religion, and that only his wife Sonia was a Catholic, in personal conduct Rajiv was very much a Moghul of the Islamic faith. On 15th August, 1988 he thundered from the ramparts of the Red Fort: "Our endeavor should be to take the country to heights to which it belonged about 250-300 years ago." It was then the reign of Aurangzeb, the 'jeziya' master and number one temple destroyer.
Our readers! Does all this throw some light on the Nehru dynasty? Sure, it is hard to swallow, but it doubtlessly shows that India has been ruled by this Mohammedan family for the last 50 years. Their success lay in the impeccable guile and perfect connivance, aided by the foolish credulity of the Hindu leaders of India. How long are we going to take such tripe from the cheats and for how long? If only our gods had not intervened and decimated the dynasty wholesale, India today would have been another darul Islam!

Nawab Khan's Grandson
Rajiv Gandhi's Islamic Roots
The Truth Detector
The subject needs a short introduction for the uninitiated. How can Rajiv Gandhi be the grandson of someone called Nawab Khan? Wasn't he the grandson of the Kashmiri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru?
Of course he was. Normally, all of us have two grandfathers; the paternal and the maternal grandfather. Nehru was the maternal grandfather of Rajiv Rattan Brijesh Nehru Gandhi. The Roberto element was added later. Almost like Lord Louis Mountbatten, Rajiv too had mouthful of a name. Rajiv's paternal grandfather was Nawab Khan, Motilal's family grocer, the supplier of wines and liquors to the Anand Bhavan, formerly known as Ishrat Manzil.
Then how come Rajiv is not called Rajiv Khan? It is a good question. The thing is that just after Indira Nehru married Feroze Khan in England (not the sham Vedic marriage that was set up to fool the gullible public of India), the old Gandhi, immediately called Jawahar and told him to force Feroze and Indira to change their Khan name to a Parsi name. Probably the old crow had a name like Ghandy or Mehta in his mind. But the foolish Feroze chose Gandhi and since then we have a Moslem dynasty ruling India under a pseudonym. Remarkable, isn't it? What is even more remarkable is that no one, but no one, caught up with it! (See K.N. Rao's THE NEHRU DYNASTY)
Writes M.O. Mathai, Nehru's Private Secretary, in his Reminiscences of the Nehru Age (page 94): "For some inexplicable reason, Nehru allowed the marriage (between Feroze and Indira) to be performed according to Vedic rites in 1942. An interreligious and intercaste marriage under Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law. To be legal, it had to be a civil marriage. So, strictly under the law, Indira was only a 'concubine' and her children are 'bastards'."
Both Rajiv and his brother Sanjiv (changed later to Sanjay in the wake of a car-theft committed in Britain) were thus bastards with Moslem fathers (fathers, because Sanjay's real father was Mohammed Yunus, and not Feroze. Mohammed Yunus holds custody of the Netaji Papers.). Both brothers grew up among Moslem family friends. Adil Shahryar, the other son of Mohammed Yunus, used to play with Rajiv when both were young. Later, Adil was arrested in the US on a charge of felony and was sent to prison for 35 years.
Father Mohammed Yunus became very cross and asked Rajiv (he has in the meantime become the prime minister wading through pools of Sikh blood) to find some means, any means, to get Adil Shahryar out of US jail. Otherwise, Mohammed Yunus threatened Rajiv; he would release the Netaji papers to the press. Clearly, that would be a disaster for the entire dynasty. The entire country would know all the foul things Jawahar had done against Netaji. Rajiv hatched a plan, well, he was not bright enough; it was the gang of Funny Shankar’s, Chidambaram’s etc. who chalked out the plan for Rajiv to execute.
Rajiv at once started his Festival of India scheme. The country was starving but crores had to be spent in Germany, France, and England and above all in the United States to teach the westerners the subtleties of Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam dancing, etc. etc. through year-long festivals.
In the US, Rajiv was told to choose Mrs. Reagan to become the co-chairperson and the lady politely agreed, not that she had the slightest desire to learn about the intricacies of Odisi or Kathakali or Kathak dancing or the nuances of Dhrupad or Malkaus. Millions were spent and eventually as all things come to an end, the Festival of India too came to its end. On that day or thereabout, Rajiv asked Nancy that he wanted to see President Reagan personally. Nancy is a nice lady. She requested her husband to meet Rajiv. At the very first meeting with Reagan, Rajiv asked for the release of Adil Shahryar. Reagan was taken by surprise. It is not easy for a president of a democracy like America to free a convicted felon before time. But Reagan finally agreed to release Adil Shahryar under certain conditions, such as he must never ever come to the shores of America. So, Adil was released and pronto all activities of the Festival of India were dropped. Rajiv was relieved that the Netaji Papers still remained hidden from the public eye and Mohammed Yunus was relieved to get back his son. His other son, Sanjay, by Indira, was already dead in that air accident, even before Indira Gandhi (aka Khan) met her end. Quite clearly, Rajiv's Islamic roots cost us an arm and a leg. And that was not all. There is more, much more.
The mad men of the Arab hostage takers attacked the American University in Beirut and kidnapped a number of Americans. By mistake, they took also an Indian professor wrongly thinking that the gentleman was also an American. He had lived a long time in the US, not as a naturalized citizen but with a legitimate green card. The news went out to the world that there was an Indian among the hostages. That the Arabs would even kidnap an Indian, a citizen of India, the self-proclaimed friendly nation to the Arabs and Arab cause was inconceivable to many. But Rajiv did not toe that line at all. The GOI under his direction said that the professor was an American citizen and therefore the problem of his release devolved on the US government. It showed that Rajiv did not have his facts correct. The man was NOT an American citizen and quite naturally, the US government refused to work for the Indian professor. The US government already had its hands full with so many other bonafide US citizens.
Rajiv was in a jam. Now that it was a clear case of an Indian's being taken hostage, and given the fact that Rajiv was a great friend of the Arabs, theoretically at least, he should have no difficulty at all to get him released from his friends, the Arabs. However, the fact of the matter is that the Arabs had no obligation to Rajiv or (what they consider as his Hindu) India. The Indian professor was not released. Rajiv needed to prove his worth to his people at least. Rajiv's prestige was on the line!
What did this stupid man, who in three years could not pass a single examination in Cambridge but had the gall to let his PR people publicize that he was a qualified Mechanical Engineering Graduate, do then? He went to see Hafez al Assad of Syria. No one knows exactly how much he cried, prayed or wallowed in Assad’s office. In the end, Assad, a prime mover of the hostage game, asked the hostage takers to release the Indian professor. The news was released in the fashion of a riddle. Everyone thought, even Ronald Reagan thought, that it was going to be an American who was going to be released first. Lo and behold! It was the Indian professor. Reagan was disappointed and perhaps a little angry even with Rajiv. On that
night, Rajiv spoke from the Syrian radio. In the broadcast, to praise Syria, Rajiv said something to the effect that Mohammed bin Qasem was a great man; he brought the message of Islam to the west coast of India, etc. etc. The speech was in English. As soon as it was heard, the All India Radio shut it off. Those who were listening to the radio news from Syria to hear Rajiv's speech were disappointed because after the first announcement by Rajiv on the great things that Mohammed bin Qasem had done in India, they were prevented from hearing the rest of the speech. The Moslem grandson of Nawab Khan was in his elements and he didn't realize, until much later, what kind of a furor would have been caused in India, if his speech had not been shut off!
The Shah Bano case came to the court. A Moslem wife of many years was talaqued by an old Moslem man. He was going to marry a younger woman but would not pay any alimony to the other old lady. The Supreme Court of India asked the man to pay Shah Bano (that was the newly divorced lady's name) alimony. The entire Moslem India exploded. It was an interference in their religious rights. Moslem men need not pay any alimony or very little, so they said, in accordance with the Koran, which Rushdie named the Satanic Verses, perhaps rightly so. Ruffians like Haji Mastan of Bombay threatened Rajiv Rattan Brijesh Roberto Nehru Gandhi that if the bill was not passed permitting the Moslems to divorce their womenfolk the way they liked, they would slaughter Rajiv and there will be riots in the streets. The not-so-courageous Rajiv got mortally frightened and behold, the bill was passed within thirty-six hours of Mastan's threat. Rajiv had obtained a huge sympathy vote because of the assassination of his mother but now used that vote for such a vile cause! The country is now paying for it and will go on paying unless the wrong done to Moslem women is righted in the country, Islam or no Islam! But Rajiv's Islamic background let him down, once again. He was not fit to rule a truly secular country!
It was in London, soon after he was made the prime minister by the back-door, Rajiv had a press conference. In that press conference, for the first time, he mentioned that he was NOT a Hindu but a Parsi. He was already a converted Catholic but the general public did not know that. One might ask if he was NOT a Hindu then what motivated him and his Catholic wife to go to Hindu temples with big tilaks on their forehead. If not for fooling the gullible, then for what?
But he played the game rather too far. His Italian-born wife Sonia, whose hobby is now to build Catholic convents and in which enterprise she appears to be competing with the Albanian nun Teresa, who has already built more than 500 Catholic convents (as mentioned in Hitchens’s HELL'S ANGEL), wanted to invite the Pope to Hindu India. She had perhaps thought that as soon as the Indians will meet the Pope they will abandon their ancestral faith and go for baptism to Christianity!
The PR outfits paid from the people's purse, broadcast the news that Rajiv (who on his own admission was NOT a Hindu but a Parsi, but actually a liar and a Catholic) was going to clean the Ganga. What could be dearer to a Hindu heart? Whatever Rajiv said or did, took on a special flavor. Some projects were mentioned that the GOI under Rajiv Gandhi would undertake to clean the holy river, etc. etc.
And just at that time, it was also announced that India had invited the Pope. It was made clear that the Pope was being invited NOT as the Head of a religious body but as the diplomatic representative of the Vatican. How can secular India invite a religious leader! And the Pope came and went away and behold!
The Ganga-cleaning projects were immediately dropped. Once again the Hindus of India let themselves is fooled by the bastard son of the Khans who had changed their name to Gandhi behind the people's back.
There was another incident. Rajiv sent help to sustain the Mohammedan ruler of Maldives Islands, one Gayoom. One wonders what interest India had to support this island country where non Moslem Indians cannot settle down or go for work. Just because the ruler is a Mohammedan is no reason to send our army there.
When Pakistan's Kahuta atomic station was under development, Israel offered to bomb it out of existence almost like Iraq's Ossirak atomic plant. But Israel needed a refueling station. The Israelis had requested Rajiv Gandhi if India would permit refueling. Israelis did not know of Rajiv's Islamic roots and were disappointed by Rajiv's 'No'. They had thought that Israel was doing a good turn to India by knocking out Pakistan's nuclear capability, which obviously was aimed at Hindu India! But Rajiv did even more than just say 'No' to Israel. He informed Paki-stan of Israel's proposal behind Israel's back!

Nehru's Conduct That Gave Away His Islamic Roots
Truth Detector
This true story is about India's late prime minister Jawahar Lal Nehru, said to be the son of Moti Lal Nehru, one time brothel keeper at Mir Ganj, the red-light district of Allahabad (or City of Allah).
Once he became the prime minister of India, an overwhelming Hindu country, he started insulting his Hindu compatriots by publicly stating that he was a Mohammedan by upbringing, a Briton by education but a Hindu by accident. People couldn't understand why by accident? After all his father was Moti Lal, a Kashmiri Brahmin; his mother was also a Kashmiri Brahmin woman. Then how come, he was a Hindu by accident? It is true that he was reared in the palace of the Nawab of Oudh and educated in England from the tender age of eleven. But what about his parentage!
Then the question arose, if he is really a Hindu boy from a Brahmin family, why then was he brought up in the totally un-Hindu environment of a nawab's palace? Those who want to have more details are requested to read our earlier article titled The Tale of Two Lals.
People's attention was drawn to this enigma by Jawahar's own actions. As soon as he became India's prime minister, he had a house in that brothel area demolished. There was no rhyme or reason for this outrageous act. The poor prostitutes who used to live in that house were driven out into the streets. No, it was not a new found inspiration to clean the area of immorality; the other houses in the area were not touched. Only that particular house (as people came to know later) where Jawahar was born, was pulled down. Later people came to know why. Jawahar didn't want anyone to know where their prime minister was actually born and this when in the US, the other great democracy, and Abe Lincoln's log cabin is still preserved with so much love and care!
In order to fool the people, it had been announced earlier that Jawahar had been born in the Anand Bhavan which has since been gifted to the nation. But then, it was discovered that there was no Anand Bhavan at the time of Jawahar's birth. The building which stood there used to be called Ishrat Manzil; it belonged not to Moti Lal but to Mobarak Ali, a renowned Shia' lawyer of Allahabad.
It was by demolishing the whore-house at Mir Ganj, that Nehru raised the question in the minds of many, 'Why did he do that? Where was the need?' Then quite naturally the next question came to people's mind: 'Why was he raised in the nawab's palace? After all, his other two siblings, Nan (later dubbed Vijaya Lakshmi) and Krishna were raised in that Mir Ganj house!' What is going on!
For the first time, people questioned Nehru's trustworthiness or lack of it. And once suspicion was raised, for whatever reason, people started looking closely at every conduct of Nehru's. And soon reports started coming in from various sources: his own Catholic Private Secretary of many years, M.O. Mathai, the Construction Department for Dam Building, and so on.
M.O. Mathai reported in his two books on Nehru how the prime minister was busy having sex with all kinds of women while also sleeping with Edwina. Nehru impregnated a pretty and young Hindu
sanyasini, called Shraddha-Mata; had a baby boy by her, delivered in a Catholic nunnery of Bangalore. Nehru was a widower and nothing prevented him from marrying the sanyasini. But the irresponsible swine dumped her. Neither did he try to look after his own bastard son by placing him in an orphanage or something. He just washed his hands off the matter. But that didn't save him from the Catholic lobby in India. They had him buttonholed. Nehru had to be very very subservient to the Christian missionaries at great peril to the Hindu society! But what did he care about the Hindus or about India!
A large dam was being built in India. The designed crest of the dam was such that it would drown a number of Hindu temples existing for centuries within the catchment area. The engineer approached Nehru with the request to lower the height of the crest of the dam slightly so that some of the temples could be saved from drowning. Nehru ordered that the height of the crest be raised instead, thus insuring the drowning of the temples. Such was the prime minister of India. An anti-Hindu!
Nehru hired Asaf Ali, a Mohammedan (who had tried to save Swami Shraddhanand's killer), as India's first ambassador in the US. Asaf Ali's embassy knowingly sent a weapon-laden ship purchased by India, to the port of Karachi to be impounded by Jinnah's government. Asaf was recalled by Nehru as he had to because the whole country was howling. And then Nehru quietly gave a tap on the wrist of Asaf and hired him as the governor of Orissa. There was no punishment, no court-martial, and no death penalty for the traitor Mohammedan.
Then there was another swine called Zakir Husain, only no one but Nehru knew that he was a traitor. How so? Because Zakir had offered his services to Jinnah in June, 1947, just prior to partition. Instead of putting the bearded bastard in prison, Nehru promoted him to the post of India's president. Thus for a time he was the sole arbiter of India's fate vis à vis Pakistan. The news that he had indeed offered his services to Jinnah in June, 1947, came out later, much later, on Aug. 14, 1990 in Karachi's Daily Dawn. Both Zakir and Jawahar were dead and gone by then. (Once he became president, Zakir built a mosque inside the Rashtrapati Bhavan). Jawahar's pro-Islamic propensity was so evident to everyone, that once Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel had opined that in all India there was one and only one nationalist Mohammedan and that was Jawahar Lal, implying that all other existing Moham-medans of India were NOT nationalist.
Pictures were published showing Jawahar's bed in the Anand Bhavan. A small head-table used to be featured in the pictures with a small book on it. The picture was too small for one to read the title of the book but the caption said that the book was a copy of Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita, the Hindu holy book. That was balderdash, of course; Jawahar could hardly read Hindi; how did he read Sanskrit, the text of the Gita? Like the U.P. Moslems, Jawahar could only read/write Urdu, not even Kashmiri; the kind of Urdu that used to be spoken in the palace of the Nawab of Oudh.
The US construction company, Harza Engg. had sent a brilliant Indian engineer, one Mr. Dasgupta to head up a construction project in India. The coolie Nehru didn't like that. He called the top man of Harza Engg. and asked for a white-skinned American in Dasgupta's place. It was done. And then one wonders why Chou en Lai used to call Nehru the running dog of the imperialists! Chou knew a dog by sight!
War started with Islamic Pakistan, primarily due to Nehru's incompetence and dilly dallying. He did not want to fight with a Mohammedan country. He would not go to the battle fronts to encourage our
jawans; he would rather spend his time in bed having sex either with Edwina or some other broad. And the inevitable happened. The brothel-bred brat contracted syphilis and finally died from it.
By a prime ministerial decree he had made every Indian, his nephew or niece. Thus at one stroke all Indians had a syphilitic uncle! Has anyone heard any such nonsense! But every word is true!
The hypocrite used to write to Attlee, the British premier urging him to force Stalin to hand over Netaji Subhash Bose to the British to be tried for treason. But in India, Nehru used to cry Jai Hind till he was hoarse! Such was India's Mohammed Jawaharlal Nehru!

Nehrus: Where Did They Come From?
The Truth Detector
Incredible though it may seem, it still is a fact that the people of India know very little of the Nehrus. The origins of the Nehrus have been kept a secret from the vast majority of Hindus of India; and those few who knew parts of the Nehru background, kept it to themselves for whatever reason. The end result was the incredible situation where a country was ruled incognito not only by a Nehru but by the members of the whole dynasty, one after the other, until the original Nehrus were all gone; and now, in the name of the Nehrus, attempts are being made to foist an Italian maid-servant as India's new Rashtra-bahu of an alien faith! Even the story of Frankenstein appears more plausible!
Unlike most Hindu families where the genealogical record is carefully preserved, in the case of Jawahar Lal, said to be the son of a Kashmiri Brahmin, such a family tree, has been mostly unknown. In fact, in its stead a number of untruths were deliberately spread to enhance the prestige of the future prime minister of India.
Just a few of these canards will clarify the point. It has been said that Pandit Nehru was born in the Anand Bhavan, the family residence in Allahabad. This is not true. Jawahar Lal was born in a brothel house in Mir Ganj, the red light district of Allahabad. The building which is known as the Anand Bhavan was not even owned by Motilal, Jawahar's father, at the time of his son's birth. The building was there of course, but it had a different name. It was known to be Ishrat Manzil or Pleasure House in Persian. The owner was a Moslem lawyer or munshi whose name was Mobarak Ali. It was under Mobarak Ali that Motilal learned to become a munshi. This eventually stood him in good stead as he did earn a lot of money later as a qualified lawyer and purchased the Ishrat Manzil from his boss, Mobarak Ali and renamed it Anand Bhavan.
This name of Ishrat Manzil used to cause some trouble in the matter of delivery of letters and other mail. It was so because there was another Ishrat Manzil in the same town of Allahabad; this one belonged to Akbar Illahabadi, a prominent Moslem resident of the town. Often letters to the two Ishrat Manzils got mixed up.
Although Jawahar was born in that building in the red light district of Mir Ganj, the rented house of Motilal, Jawahar did not grow up there. No records have been kept for the first eight years of Jawahar's life. No one knows where he grew up. Only conjectures were made. There are no photographs of the kid or friends with whom he used to play. Jawahar just disappeared from his father's house in the red light district Mir Ganj of Allahabad, for a period of eight years.
In other countries, the nation preserves the birthplaces of their first prime ministers or presidents. Take the United States for instance. Everyone knows that President Abraham Lincoln was born a poor man's son, in a log cabin. Even to this day, that log cabin has been preserved with a lot of love and care by the American nation, for future generations to see.
Abraham Lincoln, as soon as he became the president of the United States, did not destroy that log cabin where he was born. But things were different for Pandit Nehru. Soon after he became the first prime minister of India, he arranged to demolish that building where Motilal had lived for many years and Jawahar was born. And the canard was floated that Pandit Nehru was born in the Anand Bhavan and our people bought that story, although there was no such Anand Bhavan then in the whole of Allahabad!
Well, it all happened this way. Jawahar Lal's father's name was Motilal Nehru and Motilal's father's name was Gangadhar Nehru. Gangadhar Nehru was a police officer in Delhi (and not Kashmir) under the British. He fought AGAINST the freedom fighters of 1857. He was just a small police officer; he lived near a nullah or canal in Delhi. In Persian a nullah is called nehr. And thus the family surname became Nehru (one who lives on the banks of a nehr). Gangadhar perhaps had a previous family name (all Hindus have) before but that was supplanted by the name Nehru.
Gangadhar's son was Motilal Nehru. He did not have much of an education or profession. Motilal was still in his teens when a marriage was arranged for him. Soon after the marriage, he had a son. But the wife and the son died leaving Motilal a widower and single, again.
Writes K.N. Rao in his book, The Nehru Dynasty, on pages 48-49:
"Jawaharlal was described as the only son of Motilal which was incorrect. He was the only surviving son. (Underline mine) His father Motilal had married while still in his teens, and had a son. But both his wife and son died. Motilal married again, this time Swarup Rani, whose first child, a son, did not live long. Then on 14 November 1889 was born Jawaharlal...
"Jawaharlal was the third son of Motilal, and the second son from Swarup Rani. The first son of Motilal from the first wife had died along with his mother. The first son of Swarup Rani too had died. Jawahar was to be the sole surviving son of Motilal and Swarup. Strangely in 1905 another son was born to Motilal, by a sheer coincidence, on 14 November 1905, but he too did not survive. Thus Motilal had four sons, one from the first wife and three from the second. The only son of his who survived was Jawaharlal..."
How Motilal named his only son
It is very interesting to learn how Motilal chose his son's name. One morning, Motilal and Swarup Rani were on their way to the Ganges for the morning dip in the holy water. Swarup was heavy with her child. On the way, a Hindu sadhu (monk) saw them and he flew into a rage at the sight of the couple. Motilal approached the sadhu and asked what the problem was. The sadhu, quite angry, advised him to get an abortion done for, in the opinion of the sadhu, Motilal's wife was carrying a demon, and one if allowed to live, will do untold harm to the country. He suggested even killing the mother by using poison or zaher (in Hindi). Then the sadhu left.
Motilal returned to his wife who was quite perturbed. Swarup, being at a certain distance did not fully hear the conversation with the sadhu but was aware of the fact that the monk was somehow not happy at all. She did hear the word zaher meaning poison. Motilal hid the facts from Swarup and said that the sadhu was insistent on the child's name. When Swarup asked why was the sadhu talking about zaher, Motilal lied and told her that the sadhu wanted the child's name to be Jawahar (Hindi for Jewel) and not zaher, for it was going to be a baby boy. It was thus that the son's name was chosen to be Jawahar and Lal (from Motilal's own name).
Mobarak Ali's boon?
In India, like in many other countries, all parents long for sons. In the case of Motilal, however, he seemed quite incapable of fathering a son. After failing two consecutive times, Motilal is said to have offered Swarup to his boss, for two reasons. One was to pay his boss who was teaching him the profession of a munshi or a lawyer as well as to earn his blessing in the form of son, or 'boon' like in olden times. Mobarak had a son; his name was Manzur Ali. He too was educated in England.
In any event, at the time when Motilal gravitated to Mir Ganj, the red light district of Allahabad, he was financially in a very straitened circumstance. It is not positively known if Motilal and Swarup Rani were even married in accordance with Hindu rites. With his meager earnings as an apprentice lawyer, he dabbled in part-time brothel keeping. And to let Swarup Rani out to sleep with Motilal's clients was nothing unusual. Motilal's other girls were doing the same for him anyway. Can anyone imagine why should a newly married couple rent a house in Mir Ganj?
It is often said that Motilal had fathered many sons elsewhere. It is said that among his sons were Sayed Hussain, Rafi Ahmad Kidwai and even Shaikh Abdullah. But that the man was an inveterate womanizer, of that there is no doubt. In fact, Sayed Hussain's relationship of a half-brother to Vijaya Lakshmi, forced Motilal to oppose that marriage. There was no other reason for this agnostic personality, who had a great number of Moslem friends, to stand in the way of this wedding. However, that Motilal could not have a son of his own can be imputed to his philandering habits. In medical terms, Motilal's profligacy prevented him from acquiring adequate sperm count to have a son; it was mostly too low.
This son should really have been born in Mobarak Ali's own house, Ishrat Manzil. But Mobarak Ali, who was aware of the true paternity of the forthcoming child of Swarup's, did not want to share his property between Motilal's offspring (a bastard for Mobarak Ali) and his own son, Manzur Ali; in Islamic law even bastards have equal shares in property of the natural father. Thus, Jawahar Lal was born in that brothel building. However, to make amends later, within a few weeks of the birth, Jawahar Lal was removed from that house of ill repute.
The so called son of Motilal was brought up in the harem of the Nawab of Oudh till he was eight years-old. It was then that Jawahar was returned to Motilal and Motilal had by about that time procured Mobarak Ali's house and named it Anand Bhavan. It is thus a fact, that although Jawahar Lal was born in that brothel house at Mir Ganj, he was not reared there. To remove the thought of that house where he was born, Jawahar Lal Nehru, as soon as he became the prime minister of the unhappy land, destroyed the building. His propaganda machinery was activated to proclaim that Jawahar Lal was born in the
Anand Bhavan. What is amazing is that this fact of Jawahar's birth at Mir Ganj, is known to many in India but the common people do not know it.
Jawahar, a son without a father
Soon after his return to Motilal, Jawahar was sent to Britain for higher studies. Although at the time, Motilal was earning high fees by milking the widow of a Rani of a native state, it is said that Mobarak Ali shared the expenses for Jawahar's education in England; after all, he was his son too!
In all these comings and goings, Jawahar never did have a proper family life at an age when children's characters are formed. The earliest picture of Jawahar that one can see today is the one featuring in an oil painting hanging in the Lucknow Legislative Assembly Hall. It shows the Nawab of Oudh and an eight-year-old boy by his side. Jawahar Lal Nehru is that eight-year-old boy standing by the side of the Nawab. It is immensely surprising that there does not exist a single picture of Jawahar taken between his birth (on Nov. 14, 1889) and the age of eight years or so. The reason is that inside a Moslem harem, picture taking is verboten. It is still unknown who are the ladies that suckled Jawahar during his eight-year-stay inside the harem of the Nawab of Oudh! His education, till then, was really of no consequence. His mother tongue was NOT Kashmiri, the language spoken by most Kashmiri pandits but Urdu spoken in Oudh.

Prabhupada And Nehru's Incarnation
The Truth Detector
The incident that we are going to recount took place in mid-sixties. The exact date is no longer remembered; but approximately, the incident took place soon after Nehru's death (by syphilis, which most people did not know, but some did) and Prabhupada was still alive.
I then used to work in an office in downtown Broadway in New York City, not too far from Brooklyn. There at Brooklyn, in Henry Street, Prabhupada used to preach in a small house, which served, at the time, as some kind of a head-quarters of the Hare Krishna people. I used to go and attend their services, now and then, mostly after office and before returning to my apartment in Flushing, Queens.
Prabhupada, whenever he visited New York at the time, put up there and his sermons were attended in the evenings by a big crowd. Not only were there the usual chanting’s and eventual prasadam but there was a serious question and answer period. And the subjects varied from Varnashram Dharma to Reincarnation and many other similar topics. They were naturally of great interest to the local boys and girls, men and women of America but for us Hindus of India too, the question & answer period was of extreme interest and enlightenment. Those who have had the good fortune of hearing, first hand, Prabhupada's sermons could easily imagine how charged the discussions were.
Nehru had died only a few weeks ago in India. Ashes from his funeral pyre had been strewn from airplanes, all over India. Every-where in India, the dead man's eulogy was being sung and this was the man who was at the root of India's unpreparedness when China attacked, the Kashmir imbroglio, and the minority (or Mohammedan) problems in India and so on. It was amazing that many of the American disciples of Prabhupada were better informed of problems in India, generated by Nehru and his incompetence. However, the man had died only recently and out of a sense of propriety, no one spoke ill of Nehru in that congregation at the time.
Then a Youngman asked Prabhupada a question on re-incarnation. Was it true that most dead were reborn and passed through the cycle of life and death once again, except those few good men who attained nirvaana and were not born again but blended with Brahman or the Almighty? If so, could Prabhupada (who was considered to be a reincarnation of the sage Vyasa, the writer of the Mahabharatam) throw some light on the current status of Nehru. Did he obtain nirvaana or was he reborn; if so what kind of a body did he receive on his next birth?
The question was a loaded one, I thought. In fact, I had the misgiving that Prabhupada might refuse to answer. But then, I was wrong. I had not yet known Prabhupada so well. He was undaunted by any question and his reply came forth instantly. Quite clearly Prabhupada knew Nehru like the palm of his hand; it was us who knew so little of the man, thanks to all the well-executed suppression of details of Nehru's private and personal life by the GOI and the Indian media. For instance, even today, some half a century after Nehru and his family took over the reins of Indian government, we do not know who indeed Indira’s father-in-law was!
Prabhupada started his discourse. He said that Nehru was re-born almost immediately after his death, a thing that happens only to the most sinful people. He did not even have a short-lived taste of heaven before he was born again. What was worse, is that Nehru was born this time in the form of a dog. He was a dog in a small town of Sweden. His master had another dog before the dog-Nehru was acquired by him and so the dog-Nehru had to share the love of his master with another dog.
Prabhupada explained that to be born as a dog, after having been born as a Kashmiri Brahmin in India, is a big fall. It indicated that Nehru had led a vile life, a very vile life, during his existence as a man in India. Also, Nehru's hatred for anything Vaishnava did not make things any easier for him. That Nehru was a meat-eater, especially beef-eater, a regular wine-drinker, made things even worse for him. On top of that, Nehru was (a fact which we did not know then and learnt later, much later, only after having read M.O. Mathai's treatises on Nehru; Mathai should know for he was the Catholic private secretary for Nehru for a decade or so) a notorious womanizer. It was not only Mrs. Mountbatten that he slept with on a regular basis while our jawans were dying on battle fields in the north-east and in Kashmir; he used to sleep with each and every woman he could lay his hands on. Thus, he had left a chain of bastards one of whom had been delivered in a Catholic nunnery in Bangalore. In the meantime, his sidekick, one Krishna Menon, became the Minister of Defense. First thing he did was dismantle the Ichhapore Gun Factory and turned it into a coffee making machine factory. He was a communist and he loved the Chinese more than he loved Indians.
Prabhupada was quite discreet; we know now, for he did not divulge to us at the time that Nehru finally died of syphilis (exactly like the communist leader Lenin of Russia) and not a bullet wound on the battle front. Prabhupada, however, told us in detail all the harms Nehru did to the Hindus of India, all the insults that he had heaped on them during his reign. Nehru used to brag of his non-Hindu upbringing. He used to say openly that he was brought up as a Mohammedan, educated as a westerner; it was only by accident that he was born a Hindu. It is now known that he was born in a house in the red-light district of Allahabad, where his father Motilal used to ply a brothel-keeper's trade. No one wants to talk of this dark side of Nehru's upbringing. On the other hand, it is said openly, wrongly of course, that he was born in the Anand Bhavan, which was not even owned by Moti Lal at the time Nehru was born.
However, the few little details that we learnt from Prabhupada opened our eyes and I returned home very depressed. I was even more depressed to think that our people in India were singing all kinds of fulsome obituaries for this man who was worse than a traitor to the Hindus, the overwhelming majority of India. What was wrong? The next few years showed us all that was wrong! His daughter, in order to create differences between the Hindus and the Sikhs, the fighting arm of the Hindus since generations, attacked the sacred temple at Hari-Mandir Sahib in Amritsar. She had to pay for the crime with her life and eventually, as we have all seen, our gods saw to it that the dynasty was totally destroyed for the sins of Nehru, now a dog in Sweden! -

A. Ghosh Alain Danielou and Jawahar Lal Nehru Samvad (Bringing the unknown to light)
In our web-site ( a number of articles have already appeared disclosing a great deal of information on the Nehru dynasty, the same Nehru who has been put on the throne of a special kind of secularism. Just to remind our readers, we might mention here, once again, that the man we call Nehru, was really an imposter; he should have been named Ali, for the simple and valid reason that his real father was NOT Motilal but Mubarak Ali, a well-known Shia munshi practicing in the Allahabad court at the time. Mubarak Ali was the owner of the palatial building known as Ishrat Manzil at the time which was later purchased by Motilal who had changed the name of the building to Anand Bhavan. It was only a change in the name but the meaning did not alter for what is called Ishrat Manzil in Urdu means the same thing as Anand Bhavan in Hindi. Such outward changes have been a subtle characteristic of the Nehrus right from the time of Ganga Dhar, father of Motilal. Ganga Dhar used to be known as a Kashmiri Brahmin but then his official profession was that of a Kotwal, in the Shah's prison in Delhi. Has anyone ever heard of a Brahmin of Kashmir or anywhere else earn his living as a kotwal whose daily duty used to be mutilation of the prisoners and tormenting them, to make them spill the beans?
We would also like to refresh the memory of our readers that the name NEHRU was first used by Motilal, (and not Ganga Dhar) a scholar in Persian and Urdu. He took great pride in the fact of the Delhi Sultan's goodwill toward the Nehrus by virtue of the fact that it was Raj Kaul, an ancestor of the Nehrus, who had betrayed to Aurangzeb the hiding place of Guru Gobind Singh at Nanded, on the banks of the Godavari. It was this betrayal and the ensuing murder of the Guru by two Pathans that made the Delhi sultanate overly indulgent toward the family we call the Nehrus. Raj Kaul was given the gift of a Nahr or nullah. It is from this nahr or nullah the name Nehru came. This nullah is still in Delhi today. It was the lecherous grandson Shahryar of Aurangzeb who had first requested Raj Kaul to migrate from Kashmir to Delhi so that the Sultan could shower them with munificence of the Mughals as a repayment for the betrayal of the Guru.
Although Jawahar's real father was a Shia man, his mother was a Kashmiri woman of unknown background. For all practical purposes, Jawahar's mother, known as Thusu (aka Swarup Rani) was introduced to Mubarak Ali in the brothel that Motilal used to keep at Mir Ganj, the red-light district of Allahabad (or city of Allah). It was at the same brothel, so the story goes, that Motilal had introduced a very pretty Marathi woman to a Mohammedan man called Shah Nawaz Bhutto. Shah Nawaz had 'nikaahed' this woman after conversion to Islam and the Marathi woman eventually gave birth to a baby who was later known as Zulfikhar Ali Bhutto or Ali Bhutto in Pakistan. Zulfikhar's daughter is the well-known woman-politician Benazir Bhutto.
Be that as it may, that the new-born baby Jawahar was Mubarak Ali's son was known to all or most of Mubarak Ali's friends. After the birth of the baby, Mubarak Ali's close friend, the Nawab of Oudh insisted that the baby be brought to Mubarak Ali's place (the Ishrat Manzil to be later named as the Anand Bhavan) for his bringing up. Mubarak Ali was against that. His contention was that in that case, Mubarak Ali, in accordance with the codes of the Sharia' will have to give his bastard son equal shares of all his property vis a vis his legitimate sons. The Nawab was of course unhappy that the son of a Musalman thus
risked being raised as a kafir boy. The Nawab then proposed, with the permission of Mubarak Ali, to bring Jawahar, the baby boy, to his harem for upbringing. There were many women there who could suckle the baby. Mubarak agreed and the baby boy was eventually circumcised and reared as a Shia boy in the harem of the Nawab in Oudh. He was educated in the Nawab's palace in Persian (and not Sanskrit) and in Urdu (and not Hindi).
And eventually, Jawahar was sent to Cambridge and in due course the bastard son of Mubarak Ali came back to Mother India as a Cambridge educated barrister of sorts. Now, why I am telling all this to our readers? Only to bring them up to date on Nehru's background. It must be remembered that when Alain Danielou first met Jawaharlal Nehru, he was totally unaware of the background of the Indian prime minister. Like everyone else in India, he too, was influenced to think that Jawahar was a Brahmin, well-versed in Hindi (the national language of India) and of course Sanskrit (the sacred language of the Hindus).
Now let us look at Alain Danielou a little. Those among us who are interested in knowing about the man, may look up his biography from the internet.
In short, the text says: "Alain Danielou traverses the century in a very curious manner. His father was a friend of Aristide Briand (a well-known citizen of France) who was often engaged as a minister, his mother was a founder of religious schools. His own brother will become a cardinal. (Here I must disclose the fact that this cardinal brother of Alain Danielou will eventually die in the home of a prostitute. Quite clearly the first and the last three letters of cardinal, namely car-nal perhaps had determined his inclinations as a living cardinal. Had he not died where he had died, no one would have the clue about the true nature of many such cardinals roaming among the believers, the world over!)
Now, coming back to our Alain Danielou; he was familiar with the milieu of artists and musicians in the Paris of the thirties. He became close to Maurice Sachs, Henri Sauguet, Jean Cocteau, Pierre Gavotte; he did some painting and even took courses in dancing with Legate; chanting with Panzera; of composition-work with Max d’Alene. At the end of a trip to Afghanistan, Alain Danielou discovered India for the first time . There he met Rabindranath Tagore and was fascinated by the land that was India. And he decided to settle down in Benares in the year of 1937. There he remained for more than 15 years, adopted Hinduism (he became known as Shiv Sharan and no more as Alain Danielou), studied Hindi, Sanskrit, the Hindu religion and philosophy as well as Indian music (he used to play the Veena), both in theory and practice. His interest was aroused by the symbolism of Hindu architecture and sculpture. He finally returned to Europe in 1958 and became an ardent defender of musical traditions of the Orient. Then he created, in Berlin and in Venice, two institutes endowed with the duty to protect and promote diffusion of these musical traditions. In 1980, he finally retired in Italy, continued to write and also paint pictures. (His abundant writings regrouped fundamental work on music and art, as well as history, human society and religion of India. His autobiography, Le Chemins du Labyrinthe, has just been republished by Le Roche, 1993).
Now coming back to the final and fatal meeting of Danielou with Nehru, it must be remembered that Nehru had a soft corner for all white men. As the time came for Alain Danielou to finally leave India for Europe, he was summoned by the prime minister for a visit and there is no doubt that Jawahar was very
much looking forward to this meeting. Quite possibly, the meeting took place at the Teen Murti House and Nehru was at his amiable best to this Frenchman.
Jawahar had, following his usual habit, kept himself thoroughly informed about Danielou but could not quite understand the man. No doubt, he had been fed the stories from Benares about Danielou but could not quite believe them. He wanted to judge the man himself and when Alain Danielou appeared at Nehru's place, there was surprise waiting for Monsieur Danielou as well. For the first time, Danielou who was by then quite adept in Hindi and Sanskrit himself, discovered that Jawahar, the prime minister of India, knew neither Hindi nor Sanskrit. This information he shared with his visitors later. But what Danielou told his friends, after the meeting with the Indian prime minister was over, was shocking to one and all. He recited the gist of his conversation with Nehru when time came for the adieu.
Nehru was, of course, extremely surprised at the conduct of Danielou and to better understand the Frenchman, Nehru asked Danielou, what aspects of India and Indian culture he liked the most? Naturally, Danielou told Nehru that he was charmed by all aspects of Indian civilization, culture, religion and philosophy, and so on. No doubt, this opinion of Danielou's shocked the pseudo-Brahmin immensely. Nehru nearly lost his power of speech.
Nehru told Danielou that he was very very surprised at Danielou's perception of India and things Indian. Nehru confided to Danielou: "You seem to have liked only those aspects of Indian or Hindu civilization that WE (no doubt Nehru here meant 'the Congress Party' of the day) are bent upon to destroy."
No doubt, since then, we have been saddled with a whole brood of anti-national elements at all levels of the country, thanks to this Shia' man born of a Kashmiri woman in the brothel of Mirganj!

Issue# 2000.09
February 26th, 2000
A. Ghosh
Why Did Indira Abort her Third Son (to be)?
(Foreword: In order to fully comprehend the nitty gritty of this write up, it is advisable that our readers read up from the old archives of the Sword of Truth web-site. There is an article there titled SHE which will throw considerable light on the matter we are going to discuss. However, there are some more articles (ten in fact) which might help in the understanding of the enormity of the situation. They are:
(1) A Glimpse at the Seldom Discussed Son of Nehru;
(2) A Tale of Two Lals;
(3) Indira-Jawahar Samvad;
(4) More on the Nehru Dynasty;
(5) Nawab Khan's Grandson Rajiv Gandhi's Islamic Roots;
(6) Nehru's Conduct That Gave Away His Islamic Roots;
(7) Nehrus: Where Did They Come From?
(8) Prabhupada on Nehru's Incarnation;
(9) Ruling by Fooling;
(10) The Story of Gangadhar, Father of Motilal.
Indira was an extraordinarily sexy girl. In fact she had been always on the 'prowl' for sex and was never under parental control. Mother Kamala Nehru was in fact a nonentity in the Nehru household constantly insulted and driven into a corner by the two sisters-in-law, Naan or Vijaylakshmi and the second daughter Krishna (who eventually became Krishna Hutheesingh). The father, Jawahar was never in the picture. He was too busy with his own political activities and pursuit of women of all kinds, be it an Edwina Mountbatten or a Hindu nun named Shraddha-Mata.
Unbeknown to everyone outside, Jawahar never consummated his wedding with this 'not so accomplished girl' from the vale of Kashmir. One might ask how come then that she gave birth to Indira Priyadarshini, whom Kamala loved very very much? Well, the truth of the matter is that the only person who had a few decent words for Kamala was Manzur Ali, the son of Mubarak Ali. The Alis were very close to the Nehrus and Manzur Ali, an accomplished man educated in Britain, was sorry for Kamala. And it came to pass that eventually, Manzur Ali (a Shia' man like his father Mubarak Ali), fathered Indira. Incidentally, it might be mentioned here that Mubarak Ali and NOT Motilal, had sired Jawahar. And hence, Manzur Ali and Jawahar Nehru were siblings.
It is Indira's oversexed nature that had prevented her from completing her studies in London as well as in Bolpur, near Calcutta. In both places, she was too busy with her sexual proclivities and could not properly complete her education. In Oxford, she was told to leave the college for non-performance. At Shantiniketan she was found with a European professor in a compromising position in his bedroom (in flagrante delicto) and Gurudev himself wrote to Jawahar to fly down from Delhi and take his daughter back to his place. At the time, so goes the story, the Gurudev had told Jawahar that his humble university (Vishwabharati) could not handle his daughter, as her demands were too high for Bolpur. That was the end of Indira's formal education.
But that would not be a true evaluation of Indira's capabilities. She was extremely intelligent but not so industrious. She lived in Geneva where her sick mother, suffering from tuberculosis, was undergoing a long treatment in a hospital. In that short period, Indira mastered quite a bit of conversational French (they speak French in Geneva). Later, much later, as the Prime Minister of India, she was once invited by France's General de Gaulle at the Elyse Palace; there Indira had impressed the President of France enormously, as had been privately acknowledged by the President of France himself. Apparently, de Gaulle had predicted great things for Indira in the future as India's leader.
It may be mentioned here that there was a time when the relation between the father and the daughter was very strained. It took place when Indira had made up her mind to 'nikaah' Nawab Khan's good-for-nothing son, Firoz. They got 'nikaahed' in a mosque in London and it was to make things smoother, the wily Gandhi, suggested the name change, from Khan to Gandhi, supposedly a Parsi name. Otherwise, things could have gone haywire. The entire Nehru family, especially Kamala Nehru had always been totally against Indira's marriage with Firoz, a stupid man.
It was then that Indira told her father that she would like to leave India and settle down abroad with Firoz. At that Jawahar lost his temper and said loudly that she should know that Indira was NOT Jawahar's son. That by such threats Indira was not going to frighten her father. Now, how do we know that? This father-daughter conversation took place in Jawahar's office in New Delhi. Next to Jawahar's office was another office occupied by a Muslim gentleman named Mobarak Mazdur, also a barrister. In later years Mobarak Mazdur migrated to Calcutta and settled in the Park Circus area, where I had gone specifically to meet him and discuss this subject of father-daughter quarrel of the time. It was only then that it transpired that Indira was NOT Jawahar's daughter and the name of Manzur Ali cropped up later. Mr. Mobarak Mazdur was fully conversant with the entire father-daughter conversation but he did not divulge it at the time. When I met Mobarak Mazdur (it was a few years before his death), I found Mr. Mazdur extremely annoyed with Jawahar and he poured fourth his contempt for the so called Kashmiri Brahmin which exceeded my wildest expectations.
It is true that Nawab Khan had married a Parsi woman but her family name was NOT Gandhi. Also, she had changed her faith to Islam at the time of her 'nikaah' with Nawab Khan, as is often the custom with India's Mohammedans. It was circulated to the people (mostly for the consumption of the Hindus) in India that by virtue of the fact that Nawab Khan's wife was a Parsi, Firoz too could be considered a Parsi and Parsis are in fact quasi Hindus and Nehru arranged a Vedic wedding between Indira and Firoz. The fact of Nawab Khan's Parsi wife's change of religion was brushed aside and Firoz was painted as a non-Mohammedan. All this, just to make the 'nikaah' a little more acceptable to the larger mostly Hindu
public. After his death, Firoz had been cremated like the Hindus and not buried in the Islamic fashion. It is a pity that by doing so we lost all options for a DNA test.
Obviously, the argument is false. If it were not, then, the son of Sharmila Tagore, the Mohammedan wife to be of Pataudi, who is called by the name of Saif (or sword) Ali should have been a Hindu Brahmin. Sharmila Tagore too had been 'nikaahed' by the Mohammedan Pataudi AFTER having converted her to Islam, her new name being Ayesha Sultana. How about the two children of the genuine Parsi woman of a renowned Mumbai family, Honey Irani, sister of Daisy Irani. Javed Akhtar 'nikaahed' her but we still don't know her Mohammedan name after conversion to Islam. Both her children, a boy and a girl were given Arabic names following Islamic custom, Farhan for the boy and Joya for the girl. Not only that; when Javed Akhtar who had been playing with the notorious Shabana gal under the pretext of producing the 'Tumhari Amrita' one-woman drama and finally decided to 'talaq' Honey Irani, the most unholy operation was done quietly, quietly because none of the secular media even mentioned about the criminal act. Honey Irani, the mother in her twilight years was denied the company of her two children while the rascal Javed married Shabana openly under the protection of the diabolical Muslim Personal law. In accordance with the laws of the Sharia, Javed kept custody of both their children thus leaving the unhappy mother Honey Irani, all alone, in her old age. Javed, in the meantime, 'nikaahed' Shabana. Such is the situation of our Dharma-Rajya today and no doubt the culprits are having their final judgment in the most horrible ways: self-provoked fatal accident (in the case of Sanjiv aka Sanjay), slaughter (in the case of Indira Priayadarshini or Maimuna Begum as she was reported to have been named after her 'nikaah' with Firoz Khan aka Gandhi), pulverization (in the case of Rajiv at that election meet in South India, by a Catholic lady), the old Gandhi had already met his death in the hands of Nathuram; and of course in the case of Jawahar himself who died an unexpected death. He died of a self-inflicted malady called syphilis. I believe this is what happens when the leaders play with the honest sentiments of the people of the country and cheat the nation. It is quite clear now, after the fact, that it was the Islamic ancestry of Jawahar and Indira that was primarily responsible for Jawahar's refusal to the Indian army to get back the lost areas of Kashmir to the tribals when the troubles first started in 1947, and Indira's handing over the 93,000 Paki troops to Pakistan after the Bangladesh war in 1971. Indira never brought up the subject of genocide of unarmed Hindu men, women and children in Islamic Bangladesh in 1971).
Let us now go back to the original story. In the article titled SHE, M.O. Mathai (the then private secretary of Jawahar, hailing from South India, of Catholic faith) writes that Indira had two sons before she became pregnant again. He also tells us in his article that this third baby was aborted and the relevant details are provided in the article SHE by Mathai himself.
Those among our readers who would have the time and energy to do some private investigation can find out that the first son of Indira, Rajiv, was fathered by Firoz. After the birth of Rajiv, when Firoz tried to poison Indira by pouring powdered glass in her milk (all details are provided in the article SHE), the conjugal relations between Indira and Firoz terminated. The question arises, who then sired Sanjeev or Sanjay? It was Mohammad Yunus, a longtime resident in the Nehru household. One needs to procure a copy of Yunus' book titled: PERSONS, PASSIONS AND POLITICS (Vikas Publishing House, Ghaziabad). It is in Mohammad Yunus' place that Sanjay had been circumcised within a week of the baby's birth under the pretext that the baby suffered from 'phimosis', a common but wrong excuse. Rajiv had been
circumcised in Firoz's place, also in Islamic fashion. Indira was party to that function, the same Indira who would tell M.O. Mathai that she would hate to have a Hindu as her husband.
There is something else that needs airing. Indira had hired Mohammad Yunus in the Foreign Office. A great deal of Yunus' escapades is mentioned in Yunus' book. Yunus' son's name was Adil Shahryar. He was arrested by the US anti-corruption department on charges of importing illegal substance and put in US prison for felony and was given a sentence of 35 years. All these years, Yunus had been biding his time and as soon as Rajiv became the prime minister (perhaps the dumbest prime minister India has ever had!), Mohammed Yunus showed his true colors. He told Rajiv that he did not know how, but Rajiv had to get the release of Adil Shahryar. Otherwise, Yunus threatened to publicly release the Netaji papers of which Yunus had been made the custodian by Nehru himself while still alive (which Yunus still is and the Indian public has still not a clue about the Netaji papers!) Eventually, Rajiv did get the release of Adil Shahryar by going right up to Ronald Reagan under the pretext of conducting the FESTIVAL OF INDIA campaign. It is not easy to visualize Rajiv to be such a smart man. No doubt that there is a coterie of highly influential, intelligent but anti-national or treasonous men and women, I suspect leftists and Mohammedans, operating inside India to advise men like Rajiv, that need to be exposed to the nation!
Now comes the final question: why did Indira abort her third son? This son, if he had been allowed to be born and to grow up like the other two, no doubt he would have looked quite different from his elder half-brothers, Rajiv and Sanjay. Why? For the simple reason that both the other fathers, Firoz and Yunus were of different, in other words, of North Indian descent while M.O. Mathai was from South India. Naturally, if this third baby had come to this world, he would have looked quite different from his other two brothers, although in every likelihood he would have been much smarter than Rajiv and Sanjiv or Sanjay. Indira could not face the possibility of the public embarrassment that could have taken place and as a rotten mother, opted for abortion of the baby. No doubt, a part of her punishment when Satwant Singh and Beant Singh shot her down, stemmed from this action of Indira's!
And hence, the smart Indira put a stop to the situation from developing. Although in his article SHE, Mathai does not spell it out, his heart surely had broken when he discovered the truth but did not mention it to the readers. Obviously, Mathai left the readers to discover the real reason for the sacrifice of his son in the hands of this virago, who would order wholesale slaughter of innocent men, women and children on a Gurpurab Day, at the holy temple of the HARI MANDIR SAHIB at Amritsar. However sad we might be, let us console ourselves that the revenge of our God has been quite adequate. Not only did He claim His pound of flesh by a similar punishment of the mother but also of the son. The curse of the Nehru dynasty brought upon us due to our shortsightedness and mindless hero-worship when the 'hero' had already been replaced by our enemies with all outward false and unholy paraphernalia to pass them off as Kashmiri Brahmins; Brahmins who would learn Persian and Urdu and not Sanskrit and an Indian homegrown language; who would be invited by Saudi Arabia to visit Mecca during the Haj ceremony! How blind can we be?
Maino History
"...One of her more unconventional enterprises was the export of coffins to a company called Tribute Caskets in Kansas City, United States. The vice president (or some high official) of Tribute was a woman known as Virginia Cover de Rodrigues. She was an unusual woman, with known connections to several Latin American dictators, notably Manuel Noriega of Nicaragua. Noriega is of course a notorious drug lord, now serving a long sentence in a Miami prison. What is interesting is that the relationship between Gandhi and de Rodrigues blossomed to the point where de Rodrigues was the beneficiary of millions of dollars paid through an account bearing the name Svenska. It was also the account used to channel Bofors kickbacks.
Then there is the strange case of Archbishop Marcinkus, former president of the Vatican Bank, and now wanted by the police in Italy and the United States. The Vatican Bank was a hotbed of drug money laundering operations. Its chief Marcinkus is (or was) 'spiritual advisor' to Sonia's family. In 1986, when he could not set foot in Italy or America for fear of arrest, he received red-carpet treatment in India. He conducted Catholic service at 10 Janpath for Sonia. Marcinkus was also involved in several Latin American banks controlled by a Sicilian Mafia lord by name Michel Sindona - known also as 'the Shark'. Sindona, the Shark, an advisor to the Vatican and a personal friend of Pope Paul VI, died in an Italian prison, poisoned by unknown hands. Just before his death, he gave a statement accusing the Vatican of the crime.
At least one other high Vatican official was involved in Latin American drug wars. This was Cardinal Posadas-Ocampo of Mexico who was an agent of the notorious Colombian drug baron Pablo Escobar, and possibly also of Noriega. In May 1993, Posadas-Ocampo - known as the 'Drug Cardinal' - was assassinated at the Gudalajara airport in drug-infested Central Mexico. The Cardinal was closely associated with several Latin American banks controlled by Sonia's friend Marcinkus and the late Sindona. Mexican Church officials stated that he was killed because he was trying to arrange safe asylum in Mexico for his patron Pablo Escobar. Escobar himself was later gunned down in a battle with the Colombian drug enforcement authorities, showing that he was badly in need of a safe haven. This, the good Cardinal was trying to arrange, before he was assassinated.
Then there is the stranger case of the late Agha Hassan Abedi, the founder of the Pakistani Bank known as BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) - another drug money laundering outfit. Where the Vatican Bank was active in Europe and America, the BCCI specialized in the Asian drug market. Abedi's reach extended to the U.S. also. He even had the former Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford as his lobbyist for a fee of nearly $100 million! This was exposed in U.S. Congressional hearings, and Clifford was disgraced.
What has this got to do with the Gandhi’s of India? For a start Abedi happened to be a major donor to the Indira Gandhi Memorial Foundation, later controlled by Sonia. The first Indira Gandhi Peace Prize was awarded to Yasser Arafat, with money donated by Abedi! In addition, several members of the Gandhi trusts have close ties to Pakistan. A high official of the Nehru Museum and Library is a Pakistani who claims to be a Marxist. Sonia Gandhi's close associate and official spokesman Mani Shankar Aiyar has consistently taken pro-Pakistani positions on most issues - from the Jinnah House in Mumbai to Kashmir. In one of his columns, he went so far as to suggest that Kashmir could be handed over to Pakistan with the expectation that Pakistan would help India get oil from the Central Asian Republics! (The Pakistani Archives, if opened some day like the Soviet Archives, should have many interesting secrets to reveal.)...."

September 13th, 1998
The Story of Gangadhar, Father of Moti Lal
The Truth Detector
This is the true story of Ganga Dhar (not Ganga Dhar Nehru), father of Moti Lal Nehru. The adjunct 'Nehru' derived from the Persian word 'Nahr' meaning a canal or nullah, was adopted by Moti Lal, who, like all members of his family, had a fascination for alien Mohammedan names mostly in Arabic or Persian. The adjunct 'Nehru' added a Persian flavor to his otherwise Hindu name. That was very desirable for the family, as will be explained later. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, his name would have been Moti Lal Dhar.
The adjoining picture of Ganga Dhar was obtained from Robert Hardy Andrews' book titled A LAMP FOR INDIA - The Story of Madame Pandit (meaning Jawahar's first sister Vijay Lakshmi, alias Nan.) That book was first published by Prentice-Hall in 1967, a long time after the division of the country. But the fact on the scion of the dynasty, namely Ganga Dhar, had been kept a secret from the Indian public, primarily, the Hindus.
It is now quite clear, as you will soon see, that Ganga Dhar was an assumed name. The man we now know as the paternal grandfather of Jawahar Lal (son of Moti Lal) was in reality a sunni Mohammedan; in fact he was a Mogul nobleman. The important question is why did he then adopt a Hindu kafir's name? In this case a Kashmiri Brahmin's name?
The reason has been explained in our previous article titled More on the Nehru Dynasty on our web-site not too long ago. The accompanying picture featured was the same one that Jawahar Lal had referred to when he wrote in his autobiography that he had seen a picture of his grandfather Ganga Dhar which protrayed him as a Mogul nobleman. Krishna Hutheesing (Jawahar's second sister) had also mentioned in her memoirs, that their grandfather Ganga Dhar was the city Kotwal of Delhi (an important post) prior to 1857's uprising. Bahadur Shah Zafar was still the sultan of Delhi. It was extremely unlikely that he would hire a Hindu for that very important post.
Apparently, some investigations had been made on this count (please see Mahdi Husain's Bahadur Shah II and the war of 1857 in Delhi - 1987 edition) but no one could discover Ganga Dhar's name as the Kotwal of Delhi. Well, how could they? Ganga Dhar's real name then was Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (or something like that) which had been quietly changed to his new Hindu name, just before the English forces entered the city. The sultan had replaced the earlier Kotwal as well as the City Governor Mirza Maniruddin. The latter had been dismissed by Bahadur Shah Zafar on charges of spying for the English. The Naib Kotwal, a subordinate officer, was a Hindu; his name was Bhao Singh. And another Hindu, one Sri Kashinath was the thanedar of the Lahori Gate area of Delhi. Their names were found in the records but Ganga Dhar was missing. Be that as it may, the fact remains that Ganga Dhar indeed was the grandfather of Jawahar and Krishna Hutheesingh.
And how did he look like? Ganga Dhar had a thick beard which would put even Pakistani president Tarar's beard to shame! Ganga Dhar's thick moustache extended beyond his ears. He used to wear a Mogul cap and had in his both hands a long sword. Does that look like a Kashmiri Brahmin? No, not at all!
Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (the word means 'kafir-killer') looked exactly like a sunni Mogul. Don't they say: 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, well, then it IS a duck.' The same was the case with Ganga Dhar, the Kashmiri Brahmin alias Ghiyasuddin Ghazi the sunni Mogul. Only this vital information had been kept a secret from the Hindus of India, like so many other secrets of the family!
Our readers! If you can, please read up all references made in the memoirs of Jawahar Lal and Krishna Hutheesingh on Ganga Dhar. True to the last whisker, the picture portrayed on our web-site, does represent a Mogul nobleman, so proudly mentioned by both the brother and the sister. The element of secrecy crept in when it became clear that the Nehrus' Mogul ancestry, if made known to India's Hindu public, might spell trouble for the forthcoming 'reign'. The 'Hindu by accident' got wise to the fact and acted as if he was indeed, son of a Kashmiri Brahmin, Moti Lal Nehru by name.
Now, why was it at all necessary for Ghiyasuddin Ghazi to change his name to Ganga Dhar? Dhar is a well-known Kashmiri Hindu surname. Many of these 'Dhars' were forced converted into Islam; their names were then changed to 'Dar' just to distance themselves from the Hindu 'Dhar'. The smart Moti Lal added the Persian epithet 'Nehru' thus making the name sound even more 'un-Hindu'.
The English army, quite unlike the Hindu army, was made of a different material. While Hindus let the defeated enemy go free (like Prithviraj Chauhan had done and then regretted), the English were after each and every Mogul. They were shooting down all Mohammedans for fear of facing another claimant to the Delhi throne. Panic and fear ran like wildfire among the Moguls. There was nowhere to flee. The city had been surrounded by the 'firangi' forces and their allies, the Sikhs and the Gurkhas. It was then that the wily Mohammedans came up with the brilliant idea of name-changing. Ghiyasuddin became Ganga Dhar, almost like Yusuf Khan who had become Dilip Kumar, many years later.
Delhi was ransacked. All residents (both Hindus and Mohammedans) had to leave and take shelter under tents set up by the 'firangis' outside city ramparts. For full two months they remained there in the tents (like the Kashmiri Hindu refugees do today). During this time, the English searched thoroughly
each vacated home and discovered immense wealth, which was, by the rules of the game, confiscated by the new rulers. A month later, the Hindus were asked to return to their homes. The Mohammedans were allowed to return even later.
In the aftermath, many Mohammedans fled to nearby cities not yet fully under the control of the English. Agra was such a city. It still had considerable Mogul influence. And Jawahar's Mogul grandfather Ganga Dhar, with his entire family, left for Agra. How do we know that? Jawahar states in his own autobiography that on their way to Agra, the English troops detained Ganga Dhar's family. Ganga Dhar told them that they were not Mohammedans but Kashmiri Hindus. Jawahar explains in his autobiography that the primary reason for the detention was their Mogul features. The Kashmiri Hindus looked very much like Mohammedans from Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan and so on. And behold the English let Ganga Dhar and his family go to Agra. The rest is history.
[Afterword: The unbecoming fascination of the Nehrus for alien Mohammedan connections persisted even beyond the Mogul roots. Please read up K.N. Rao's 'The Nehru Dynasty', Chapter XXIII. Reference is made there to Indira's (falsely described as the wife of Parsi Firoz Gandhi when he was no such thing; he was a pure and simple sunni Mohammedan whose father Nawab Khan was a liquor supplier of Allahabad) letters in the publication Two Alone, Two Together (letters between Indira Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru) edited by Sonia Gandhi. The publishers of this book were London's Hoddard and Stoughton. In that book is featured a letter by Indira to her father, Jawahar and it says:
"Some months ago when I was at Matheran, Masi (aunt) wrote saying that she had heard from some Parsis that it was written in their ancient book that a Hindu of high family would marry into a Parsi family (here, a 'Hindu of high family' is Indira and 'Parsi' is Firoz, son of sunni Nawab Khan) and their son would do great things - religious reform and so on. Masi asked me to inquire into the matter but it quite slipped my mind. Last evening my mother in law (meaning Nawab Khan's so called Parsi wife, converted to islam at the time of her nikaah) came in a state of great excitement. She had also heard something of the sort, a slightly different version. According to her, the son was the reincarnation of the Shah Behram of Persia.
"Baby's (meaning Rajiv Gandhi's) patri (horoscope) has arrived. I am enclosing it. It is written in Gujarati but I suppose you will be able to get it read. I am enclosing an English translation of the jyotishi's remarks. I am sending all this registered - please do the same when you return it. The good thing about it is supposed to be that there are five planets in one house," and so on.
Quite clearly, the Nehrus could oscillate from the Mogul to the Persian at will as long as the roots appeared to be Mohammedan, alien or homemade, and farther removed from indigenous roots the better. May we ask what great things did Rajiv do, other than stealing the Bofors money and jeopardizing the lives of our jawans by supplying them with inferior canon? And what reform was she talking about other than legalizing polygamy among the Mohammedans of India and granting them special privileges to talaaq their womenfolk, sans alimony? No doubt Indira would not move against the fornication-prone Pakistani ruffians when they were shooting down unarmed Bengali Hindu civilians. Some three millions were thus decimated but she had not even lifted a finger until the uproar inside the country became literally uncontrollable. Then again, she let go the 93,000 Pakistani soldiers’ scot free
without exacting a quid pro quo from the enemy. Neither did she ask for the trial of Tikka Khan. And during that time, our jawans captured by the Paki army on the western front, were summarily shot in prisons, against the Geneva regulations. Is it surprising that in Europe today one can purchase picture post cards of Hari Mandir Temple with a comment on the back that Indira had secretly become Mohammedan and that is why she had chosen the Guru Purnima day (when the temple was choc a bloc with women and children) to shoot the pilgrims down, in thousands. And when the 93,000 Pakis left for their home, they had put on weight, were well-dressed and so on. She was some musalmanani of great piety although out of fear for divulging her Islamic roots, she had refused to visit the Kaaba as desired by the Saudi Royal family. Since when the Saudis have taken to inviting non-Mohammedans to visit Mecca?
Let us not be impressed by the 'five planets' and all such 'bakwaas'. What really happened is in front of our eyes, is this. In a country where they would not even hurt a chicken, there were not one, not two but three assassinations in quick succession. And all three were Gandhi’s. One was shot by a Hindu, the second was turned into pulp by two Sikhs and the third was pulverized by a Catholic lady of Tamil extraction. In the meantime, the bas*ard son of Mohammad Yunus (still the custodian of the Netaji Papers), Sanjay aka Sanjiv, killed himself in that plane accident. And the 'sarkari chacha' had died of syphilis, which apparently he had contracted in a local dhaba from a glass of drinking water! Well! Who will believe that? What really happened can only be described as divine dispensation to preserve and protect our 'dharma rajya' of Bharat, that the Congress and the secularists along with the Mohammedan traitors were bent upon destroying for good!

N. S. Rajaram Sonia Gandhi and the nation's security
Sonia Gandhi seems to be on a 'hit-and-run' campaign, claiming to be supporting the Government in its operations, while doing the opposite, by issuing statements that undermine the efforts of the Government with the potential to demoralize the troops engaged in combat. I call it 'hit-and-run' because she moves from one unsubstantiated charge to another, never allowing anyone to ask her questions about substantiating her charges. She seems to have great faith in her capacity to fool the people with her lies and a low opinion of the intelligence of the Indian people. Ultimately, her increasingly desperate behavior is rooted in fear.
Seemingly unnerved by the military and diplomatic successes of the Government, she is constantly accusing the Government of being responsible for the casualties in Kargil, while simultaneously pledging support! Coming from an Army family who was a teenager during the 1962 Chinese invasion of India, I know how demoralizing it can be to be told that the Government is not supporting its soldiers. This essentially is Sonia's message, in her desperate attempt to discredit the Vajpayee Government. Let us look at the record of the Congress, which for all practical purposes is the Nehru-Gandhi family record, with the honorable exception of Sri Lal Bahdur Shastri.
Throughout her career, she and the exalted family she married into have shown a disregard for the lives of Indians as the following examples show: (1) Nehru's willful disregard of the defense of the nation that led to the loss of thousands of lives in the 1962 China War; (2) Indira's divisive policies that led to the assault on the Golden Temple and massacre of thousands of Sikhs in Delhi under her son's leadership; (3) probably the worst of all, the loss of over a thousand lives in Rajiv's misadventure in Sri Lanka.
IT IS WORTH NOTING THAT MORE INDIAN LIVES WERE LOST IN RAJIV'S SRI LANKAN MISADVENTURE THAN THE NUMBER OF INDIAN AND PAKISTANI CASUALTIES COMBINED IN THE KARGIL CONFLICT. Sonia Gandhi has kept up the tradition of this scant regard for Indian lives that is the hallmark of her 'dynasty'. Her overnight somersault on the issue of President's Rule in Bihar led to several massacres.
What Sonia has added, to this blood soaked dynastic record is a capacity for lying and brazenness - by accusing the Government of being responsible for the loss of lives of soldiers in Kargil. What did she expect the Government to do? Run away to Italy as she and her husband did in the 1971 War, or run and hide in the Italian Embassy as she did after her mother-in-law's electoral defeat following the Emergency?
What is disturbing in all this is a frivolous approach to a highly serious issue like the nation's security, and an utter disregard for Indian lives - both military and civilian. However, unlike Sri Vajpayee and his Government, Sonia Gandhi is not engaged in any activity that is crucial for the security of the nation. So can find the time to respond to a few questions.
Her most frequent call is that the "Government will have to answer some questions about Kargil." This rule should apply to Smt. Sonia Gandhi also, since she was the leader of the "responsible" opposition party, and also the prime force behind the destabilization program that brought down the Vajpayee Government. This took place at the same time as the Pakistani infiltration. So, here are a few questions
about her conduct that she should to take the time to answer, for she has little else to do anyway. She owes the nation an explanation.
1. Sonia and the Congress party kept insisting that they would function as 'responsible opposition' and that they had no intention of destabilizing the Government. But after January of this year, they went on a systematic destabilization program. It began with a trip to China by a Congress delegation that included a prominent member of the Sonia court. The Pakistani infiltration into Kashmir also began about the same time as her destabilization program.
Question 1:Was it coincidence or part of a plan that her destabilization program and the Pak infiltration began at the same time?
Question 2: Was this just coincidence or part of a plan?
3. The key incident that triggered the instability campaign was the dismissal of Admiral Bhagwat - for serious national security reasons according to the Prime Minister. And yet it never figured in the Lok Sabha debate. It is worth noting that regardless of the manner of his dismissal, Bhagwat is a questionable character. As far back as 1990, then chief of the Navy, Admiral Nadkarni, had recommended his removal, but he was kept on and even promoted by V.P. Singh. Just before Sonia's destabilization campaign began, Bhagwat met her and handed her a 42-page dossier. (Also worth noting is that Bhagwat is an acquaintance of Jayalalithaa, going back many years.)
Question 3: Was all this a coincidence, or part of a plan to weaken the government, at a time when Pakistan had launched its infiltration into India?
Also, what is in that dossier, and does Sonia Gandhi have the security clearance to examine military records?
4. Sonia Gandhi controlled foundations, and her court, are full of Pakistani sympathizers. The director of the Nehru Museum and Library is a Pakistani claiming to be a Marxist. The pro-Pakistani writer and 'Frontline' columnist Ajmal Ahmad is a 'distinguished fellow' of the Nehru Museum. One of her closest advisors, Mani Shankar Aiyar, is known to have taken anti-national positions on several occasions. He supported the Chinese in their 1962 invasion of India. In his book 'Pakistan Papers' and in his columns, he has consistently taken pro-Pakistani positions. He recommended handing over the Jinnah House in Mumbai to Pakistan. He also suggested that Pakistan may be allowed to 'control' Kashmir in exchange for Pakistani help in getting oil and gas from Central Asia!
Question 4: Is this purely incidental or part of the generally pro-Pakistani position of Sonia Gandhi on most issues including the Pokhran tests?
5. There are also some financial questions regarding her foundations and Pakistani institutions and individuals. The problem is particularly acute since they are largely free from public scrutiny. To take an example, the first Indira Gandhi Peace Prize was awarded to Yasser Arafat, with money donated by Agha Hassan Abedi, the founder of the notorious Pakistani drug-money laundering bank BCCI.
Final question to Smt. Sonia Gandhi and RaGa: Are you prepared to make the financial and other records of all the foundations public as required of all other foundations in India?
I recognize that these are serious questions, but they go to the very core of the nation's security. Anyone else - especially a foreigner -- with such a record would be subject to serious intelligence surveillance. AT THE VERY LEAST SMT SONIA GANDH/RaGaI MUST HOLD A TELEVISED PRESS CONFERENCE AND FACE THESE QUESTIONS SQUARELY AND ANSWER WITHOUT EVASION. Her present hit-and-run tactics are unworthy of one aspiring to high public office.

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